@article{jaulin:rodwheel, title={Modeling and control of the rodwheel}, journal={arXiv:2401.08666, math.NA }, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2024} }
@article{rauh_lahme23, author = {A. Rauh and M. Lahme and S. Rohou and L. Jaulin and T.N. Dinh and T. Ra{\"{\i}}ssi and M. Fnadi}, title = {Offline and Online Use of Interval and Set-Based Approaches for Control and State Estimation: {A} Review of Methodological Approaches and Their Application}, journal = {Logical Methods in Computer Science}, year = {2023}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{jaulin:jonas, title={Experimental Validation of an Ellipsoidal State Estimation Procedure for a Magnetic Levitation System}, booktitle={IFAC World Congress}, author={A. Rauh and J. Soueidan and S. Rohou and L. Jaulin}, year={2023, Yokohama, Japan. pp.8494-8499} }
@article{jaulin:rollingdisk, title={Modelisation of a rolling disk with Sympy}, journal={arXiv:2311.16624, math.NA }, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023} }
@article{jaulin:flatdisk, title={Inertial control of a spinning flat disk}, journal={arXiv:2311.06528, math.NA }, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023} }
@article{jaulin:centered, title={Asymptotically minimal contractors based on the centered form; Application to the stability analysis of linear systems}, journal={arXiv:2307.10502, math.NA }, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023} }
@article{jaulin:swim23, title={A contractor which is minimal for narrow boxes}, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023}, journal={SWIM 2023} }
@article{filiol_iota2023, title={A new interval arithmetic to generate the complementary of contractors}, journal={Acta Cybernetica}, author={P. Filiol and T. Bollengier and L. Jaulin and J.C. Le Lann}, year={2023} }
@article{jaulin2023ctctdoa, title={Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions to build efficient contractors; Application to TDoA localization}, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023}, journal={arXiv:2306.09679, math.NA} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{jaulin:sagip23, author={L. Jaulin}, booktitle={Congr\`es Annuel de la SAGIP, Marseille}, title={Computation of attractors of an hybrid system}, year={2023, june 7-9} }
@article{jaulin2023hyperbola, title={Optimal separator for an hyperbola; Application to localization}, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023}, journal={arXiv:2305.15519, math.NA} }
@article{jaulin2023ellipse, title={Optimal separator for an ellipse; Application to localization}, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2023}, journal={arXiv:2305.10842, math.NA} }
@article{jaulin:quotient:2023, title = {Inner and outer characterization of the projection of polynomial equations using symmetries, quotients and intervals}, journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning}, volume = {159}, pages = {108928}, year = {2023}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2023.108928}, author = {L. Jaulin}, }
@article{LouedecAut, title = {Computational tractable guaranteed numerical method to study the stability of n-dimensional time-independent nonlinear systems with bounded perturbation}, journal = {Automatica}, volume = {153}, pages = {110981}, year = {2023}, issn = {0005-1098}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2023.110981}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005109823001346}, author = {M. Louedec and L. Jaulin and C. Viel}, keywords = {Stability, Positive invariance, Ellipsoid, Interval analysis, Numerical method}, abstract = {The stability analysis of nonlinear continuous systems often requires manual calculation, which can become time-consuming when dealing with complex systems. Some works use positive invariant sets to discuss stability. These sets can be numerically approximated using Interval analysis but the computational complexity is exponential. In this paper, we propose a computational tractable numerical but guaranteed method based on Interval analysis to verify the robust positive invariance of ellipsoids to automatize the study of n-dimensional nonlinear systems’ stability. This method relies on a fast enclosure of a state integration by an Euler method. Interval analysis guarantees the results of the developed algorithms. Several examples show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches on n-dimensional non-asymptotical continuous systems subject to bounded perturbation.} }
@article{Brunovsky23, author={Rohou, Simon and Jaulin, Luc}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title={Brunovsky Decomposition for Dynamic Interval Localization}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-8}, doi={10.1109/TAC.2023.3246943}}
@article{jaulin:rolling:03, author = {A. Bourgois and A. Chaabouni and A. Rauh and L. Jaulin}, year = {2023}, month = {02}, title = {Proving the Stability of the Rolling Navigation}, journal = {Acta Cybernetica}, doi = {10.14232/actacyb.295941} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{maria:ocean, author={M. Costa Vianna and E. Goubault and L. Jaulin and S. Putot}, booktitle={OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads}, title={Estimating the Coverage Measure and the Area Explored by a Side-Scan Sonar}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6}, doi={10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977121}}
@article{jaulin:IA:hyperoctohedral, author = {L. Jaulin}, title = {Actions of the hyperoctahedral group to compute minimal contractors}, journal = {Artif. Intell.}, volume = {313}, pages = {103790}, year = {2022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artint.2022.103790}, doi = {10.1016/j.artint.2022.103790}, timestamp = {Mon, 07 Nov 2022 21:23:54 +0100}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/ai/Jaulin22.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@article{morge:pelle, author = {A. Morge and V. Pelle and J. Wan and L. Jaulin}, title = {Experimental Studies of Autonomous Sailing With a Radio Controlled Sailboat}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {134164--134171}, year = {2022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3232462}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3232462}, timestamp = {Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:30:29 +0100}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/access/MorgePWJ22.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@InProceedings{brateau:swim22, author={Q. Brateau and L. Jaulin}, title={{Sea route monitoring by weather buoys using interval analysis}}, booktitle={SWIM'22, Hannover, Germany}, year={2022} }
@InProceedings{aaron:swim22, author={A. Ehambram and L. Jaulin and B. Wagner}, title={{Interval-based Global Localization in Building Maps}}, booktitle={SWIM'22, Hannover, Germany}, year={2022} }
@InProceedings{maria:swim22, author={M. Costa Vianna and E. Goubault and L. Jaulin and S. Putot}, title={{A Geometric Approach to the Coverage Measure of the Area Explored by a Robot}}, booktitle={SWIM'22, Hannover, Germany}, year={2022} }
@article{Rauh:Julien:22, author = {A. Rauh and L. Jaulin and J. Alexandre Dit Sandretto}, title = {Algorithms for Reliable Estimation, Identification and Control}, journal = {Algorithms}, volume = {15}, number = {8}, pages = {276}, year = {2022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/a15080276}, doi = {10.3390/a15080276}, timestamp = {Tue, 18 Oct 2022 22:18:13 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/algorithms/RauhJS22.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@article{Rauh:mathematics:22, author = {A. Rauh and S. Wirtensohn and P. Hoher and J. Reuter and L. Jaulin}, title = {Reliability Assessment of an Unscented Kalman Filter by Using Ellipsoidal Enclosure Techniques}, journal = {Mathematics}, volume = {10}, year = {2022}, number = {16}, article-number = {3011}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/10/16/3011}, ISSN = {2227-7390} }
@InProceedings{jaulin:swim22, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Symmetries for Interval Analysis}}, booktitle={SWIM'22, Hannover, Germany}, year={2022} }
@InProceedings{iota:swim22, author={P. Filiol and T. Bollengier and L. Jaulin and J.C. Le Lann}, title={{A new type of intervals for solving problems involving partially defined functions}}, booktitle={SWIM'22, Hannover, Germany}, year={2022} }
@article{Damer:Lie:22, author={J. Damers and L. Jaulin and S. Rohou}, title={Lie symmetries applied to interval integration}, journal={Automatica}, volume={144}, year={2021} }
@article{aaronRas:22, author={A. Ehambram and L. Jaulin and B. Wagner}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, title={Hybrid Interval-Probabilistic Localization in Building Maps}, year={2022}, volume={7}, number={3}, pages={7059-7066}, doi={10.1109/LRA.2022.3181371}}
@article{Rauh_Bourgois_Jaulin_2022, title={Verifying Provable Stability Domains for Discrete-Time Systems Using Ellipsoidal State Enclosures}, journal={Acta Cybernetica}, author={A. Rauh and A. Bourgois and L. Jaulin}, year={2022}, month={May} }
@article{Rauh:Gourret:22, author = {A. Rauh and Y. Gourret and K. Lagattu and B. Hummes and L. Jaulin and J. Reuter and S. Wirtensohn and P. Hoher}, title = {Experimental Validation of Ellipsoidal Techniques for State Estimation in Marine Applications}, journal = {Algorithms}, volume = {15}, number = {5}, pages = {162}, year = {2022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/a15050162}, doi = {10.3390/a15050162}, timestamp = {Mon, 25 Jul 2022 08:39:38 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/algorithms/RauhGLHJRWH22.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@article{Boukezzoula:Jaulin:Coquin21, title = {A new methodology for solving fuzzy systems of equations: Thick fuzzy sets based approach}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, volume = {435}, pages = {107-128}, year = {2022}, note = {Fuzzy Numbers}, issn = {0165-0114}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2021.06.003}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165011421002293}, author = {R. Boukezzoula and L. Jaulin and D. Coquin} }
@article{rauh:rohou:22, author={A. Rauh and S. Rohou and L. Jaulin}, title={An Ellipsoidal Predictor–Corrector State Estimation Scheme for Linear Continuous-Time Systems With Bounded Parameters and Bounded Measurement Errors}, journal={Frontiers in Control Engineering}, volume={3}, year={2022}, doi={10.3389/fcteg.2022.785795}, ISSN={2673-6268}, }
@article{TilletFuzzy, author={J. Tillet and L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars and R. Boukezzoula}, title={A Fuzzy Set Estimation Using Interval Contractors: Application to Localization}, journal={Reliable Computing}, year={2022} }
@article{kleene22, author = {T. Le M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and D. Mass\'e and B. Zerr}, title = {Kleene Algebra to Compute Invariant Sets of Dynamical Systems}, journal = {Algorithms}, volume = {15}, year = {2022}, number = {3}, article-number = {90}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/15/3/90}, ISSN = {1999-4893}, doi = {10.3390/a15030090} }
@article{sanchez:2022, author={F. Le Bars and R. Sanchez and L. Jaulin and S. Rohou and A. Rauh}, title={An Online Interval-Based Inertial Navigation System for Control Purposes of Autonomous Boats}, journal={Frontiers in Control Engineering}, volume={2}, year={2022}, doi={10.3389/fcteg.2021.786188}, ISSN={2673-6268} }
@article{BourgoisDocking22, author = {A. Bourgois and S. Rohou and S. Simon and L. Jaulin and A. Rauh}, title = {Proving Feasibility of a Docking Mission: A Contractor Programming Approach}, journal = {Mathematics}, volume = {10}, year = {2022}, number = {7}, ISSN = {2227-7390}, doi = {10.3390/math10071130} }
@article{Jaulin:teching22, author={L. Jaulin}, title={G\'eom\'etrie et Commande des Drones}, journal={Techniques de l'ing\'enieur}, year={2021}, doi = {10.51257/a-v1-s7818} }
@InProceedings{Pheromones2022, author={F. Le Bars and L. Jaulin and O. M\'enage and A Ponte}, title={Artificial repulsive pheromone approach for the exploration of ocean dynamics}, booktitle={JD'22, Angers}, year={2022}, }
@article{redaTSF20, author={R. Boukezzoula and L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers and D. Coquin}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems}, title={Thick Fuzzy Sets (TFSs) and Their Potential Use in Uncertain Fuzzy Computations and Modeling}, year={2021}, volume={29}, number={11}, pages={3334-3348}, doi={10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.3018550}}
@article{jaulin2021boundary, title = {A boundary approach for set inversion}, journal = {Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {100}, pages = {104184}, year = {2021}, issn = {0952-1976}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2021.104184}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0952197621000312}, author = {L. Jaulin} }
@article{Rauh:Jaulin:21, author={A. Rauh and L. Jaulin}, title={Novel Techniques for a Verified Simulation of Fractional-Order Differential Equations}, journal={Fractal and Fractional, Special Issue on Fractional Order Systems: Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis}, year={2021} }
@article{rauh:bourgois:thick, author={A. Rauh and A. Bourgois and L. Jaulin}, TITLE = {Union and Intersection Operators for Thick Ellipsoid State Enclosures: Application to Bounded-Error Discrete-Time State Observer Design}, JOURNAL = {Algorithms}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {3}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {88}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/14/3/88}, ISSN = {1999-4893}, DOI = {10.3390/a14030088} }
@article{Neuland21, author={R. Neuland and M. Mantelli and B. Hummes and L. Jaulin and R. Maffei and E. Prestes and M. Kolberg}, title={Robust Hybrid Interval-Probabilistic Approach for the Kidnapped Robot Problem}, journal={International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, volume={28}, number={1}, year={2021}, doi={10.1142/S0218488521500141} }
@article{neuland:recognition, author={R. Neuland and F. Rodrigues and D. Pittol and L. Jaulin and R. Maffei and M. Kolberg and E. Prestes}, title={Interval inspired approach based on temporal sequence constraints to place recognition}, journal={Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems}, volume={102}, number={4}, year={2021} }
@article{Rohou:jaulin:linear, author={S. Rohou and L. Jaulin}, title={Exact bounded-error continuous-time linear state estimator}, journal={Systems and Control Letters}, year={2021} }
@article{Louedec:kalman, author={M. Lou\'edec and L. Jaulin}, title={Interval Extended Kalman Filter - Application to underwater localization and control}, journal={Algorithms}, year={2021} }
@article{reda:explored:21, author={R. Boukezzoula and L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers and L. Foulloy}, title={Thick Gradual Sets and Their Computations: Application for Determining the Uncertain Zone Explored by an Underwater Robot}, journal={Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, year={2021} }
@article{rauh:ellipse:2021, author={A. Rauh and L. Jaulin}, title={A Computationally Inexpensive Algorithm for Determining Outer and Inner Enclosures of Nonlinear Mappings of Ellipsoidal Domains}, journal={International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science}, volume={31}, number={3}, year={2021} }
@inproceedings{rauh:ellipse:ODE:2021, doi = {10.1109/iccad52417.2021.9638755}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109%2Ficcad52417.2021.9638755}, year = 2021, month = {nov}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, author = {A. Rauh and A. Bourgois and L. Jaulin and J. Kersten}, title = {Ellipsoidal Enclosure Techniques for a Verified Simulation of Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations}, booktitle = {2021 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis ({ICCAD})} }
@InProceedings{Bedouhene:CP:2021, author = {A. Bedouhene and B. Neveu and G. Trombettoni and L. Jaulin and S. Le M{\'{e}}nec}, editor = {Laurent D. Michel}, title = {An Interval Constraint Programming Approach for Quasi Capture Tube Validation}, booktitle = {27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, {CP} 2021, Montpellier, France (Virtual Conference), October 25-29, 2021}, series = {LIPIcs}, volume = {210}, pages = {18:1--18:17}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik}, year = {2021}, url = {https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2021.18}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2021.18}, timestamp = {Mon, 25 Oct 2021 15:03:56 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cp/BedouheneNTJM21.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@inbook{dubois:jaulin:prade, author = {D. Dubois and L. Jaulin and H. Prade}, year = {2021}, pages = {101-109}, title = {Thick Sets, Multiple-Valued Mappings and Possibility Theory}, journal={"Statistical and Fuzzy Approaches to Data Processing, with Applications to Econometrics and Other Areas"}, publisher={Springer} }
@article{jaulinsliding, author={L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars }, title={Characterizing sliding surfaces of cyber-physical systems}, volume = 24, number = 3, month = Mar, pages = {431-448}, doi = {10.14232/actacyb.24.3.2020.9}, journal = {{Acta Cybernetica}}, year={2020} }
@article{mezo:ropert:20, author={T. Le-M\'ezo and G. Le Maillot and T. Ropert and L. Jaulin and A. Ponte and B. Zerr}, title={Design and control of a low-cost autonomous profiling float}, journal={Mechanics and Industry}, volume={21}, number={5}, year={2020} }
@article{lemezomaze20, author={T. Le-M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={Bracketing backward reach sets of a dynamical system}, booktitle={International Journal of Control}, publisher = {{Taylor \& Francis}}, volume = 93, number = 11, pages = {2528-2540}, doi = {10.1080/00207179.2019.1643910}, year={2020} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{rohou:data:asso, author={S. Rohou and B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={Set-membership state estimation by solving data association}, year={2020}, pages={4393-4399}, doi={10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9197039}}
@inproceedings{Tillet2020, author = {Joris Tillet and Luc Jaulin and Fabrice Le Bars}, title = {Non-linear control under state constraints with validated trajectories for a mobile robot towing a trailer}, booktitle = {{IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, {IROS} 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 24, 2020 - January 24, 2021}, pages = {7729--7736}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341712}, doi = {10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341712}, timestamp = {Thu, 14 Oct 2021 10:01:19 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iros/TilletJB20.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@inproceedings{Rohou:Bedouhene:CP, author = {S. Rohou and A. Bedouhene and G. Chabert and A. Goldsztejn and L. Jaulin and B. Neveu and V. Reyes and G. Trombettoni}, editor = {Helmut Simonis}, title = {Towards a Generic Interval Solver for Differential-Algebraic {CSP}}, booktitle = {Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - 26th International Conference, {CP} 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 7-11, 2020, Proceedings}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {12333}, pages = {548--565}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58475-7\_32}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-58475-7\_32}, timestamp = {Tue, 08 Sep 2020 19:28:10 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cp/RohouBCGJNRT20.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@InProceedings{jaulinslidingSNR, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Characterizing sliding surfaces of cyber-physical systems}}, booktitle={SNR 2020, Vienna (virtual)}, year={2020} }
@article{bourgois_SNR2020, doi = {10.4204/eptcs.331.1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.4204%2Feptcs.331.1}, year = 2021, month = {jan}, publisher = {Open Publishing Association}, volume = {331}, pages = {1--17}, author = {A. Bourgois and L. Jaulin}, title = {Interval centred form for proving stability of non-linear discrete-time systems}, journal = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science} }
@InProceedings{rauh:thick:ellipse:2021, author={A. Rauh and L. Jaulin}, title={A Novel Thick Ellipsoid Approach for Verified Outer and Inner State Enclosures of Discrete-Time Dynamic Systems}, booktitle={IFAC Symposium System Identification: Learning Models for Decision and Control}, year={2021} }
@InProceedings{bougois:scan:rolling:2021, author={A. Bourgois and A. Chaabouni and A. Rauh and L. Jaulin}, title={Proving the stability of navigation cycles}, booktitle={SCAN}, year={2021} }
@article{nishadezert20, author={N. Mahato and L. Jaulin and S. Chakraverty and J. Dezert}, journal={Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering}, title={Validated Enclosure of Uncertain Nonlinear Equations Using SIVIA Monte Carlo}, publisher = {Springer}, year={2020}, pages={455-468}, }
@article{Nicola:Jaulin:gaussian, author={J. Nicola and L. Jaulin}, journal={Beyond Traditional Probabilistic Data Processing Techniques: Interval, Fuzzy etc. Methods and Their Applications}, title={Guaranteed nonlinear parameter estimation with additive Gaussian noise}, publisher = {O. Kosheleva et al. (eds.), Springer}, year={2020}, pages={341-357}, }
@article{thicksep:2020, author={L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers}, journal={Studies in Systems, Decision and Control}, title={Thick separators, Decision Making under Constraints}, publisher = {M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich (eds.)}, year={2020}, pages={125-131}, }
@inproceedings{desrochers:swing:2020, author = {L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers}, editor = {T. Dang and S. Ratschan}, title = {Enclosing the Sliding Surfaces of a Controlled Swing}, booktitle = {Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric methods for Reasoning about {CPS} and IoT, {SNR} 2020, online, 31 August 2020}, series = {{EPTCS}}, volume = {331}, pages = {43--55}, year = {2020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.331.4}, doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.331.4}, timestamp = {Tue, 03 Aug 2021 16:22:14 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/abs-2101-05418.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@article{VielVautier_IJCAS, author={C. Viel and U. Vautier and J. Wan and L. Jaulin}, title={Platooning control for sailboats using a tack strategy}, journal={International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems}, volume={17}, pages={1--11}, year={2019} }
@article{reda2019, author={R. Boukezzoula and L. Jaulin and L. Foulloy}, title={Thick Gradual Intervals: An Alternative Interpretation of Type-2 Fuzzy Intervals and its Potential Use in Type-2 Fuzzy Computations}, journal={Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, volume={85}, pages={691--712}, year={2019} }
@article{Kumkov2019, author={S. Kumkov and L. Jaulin}, title={Comparison of Interval Analysis and Standard Statistical Methods for Estimating Experimental Data with Uncertainty}, journal={Measurement Techniques}, volume={62}, pages={105-110}, year={2019} }
@article{VielVautier_TITS, author={C. Viel and U. Vautier and J. Wan and L. Jaulin}, title={Platooning control for heterogeneous sailboats based on constant time headway}, journal={IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems}, volume={21}, number={5}, pages={2078--2089}, year={2019} }
@article{VielVautier_RAL, author={U. Vautier and C. Viel and L. Jaulin and J. Wan and R. Hone and Y. Ming Dai}, title={Restricted Orientation Dubins Path with Application to Sailboats}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume={4}, number={4}, pages={4515--4522}, year={2019} }
@article{WanViel18, author={J. Wan and C. Viel and U. Vautier and L. Jaulin}, title={Genetic algorithm-based multiple moving target reaching using a fleet of sailboats}, journal={IET Cyber-systems and Robotics}, volume={1}, number={3}, pages={93--100}, year={2019} }
@article{RomigJR19, author = {S. Romig and L. Jaulin and A. Rauh}, title = {Using Interval Analysis to Compute the Invariant Set of a Nonlinear Closed-Loop Control System}, journal = {Algorithms}, volume = {12}, number = {12}, pages = {262}, year = {2019}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/a12120262}, doi = {10.3390/a12120262}, timestamp = {Wed, 15 Jan 2020 08:28:44 +0100}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/algorithms/RomigJR19.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@article{jaulin:interslice, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Naviguer comme les polyn\'esiens}, journal={Interstices}, year={2019} }
@InProceedings{NicoJaulinZerr19, author={T. Nico and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={{Guaranteed Polynesian Navigation}}, booktitle={SWIM'19, Paris, France}, year={2019} }
@InProceedings{leblond_boatbot19, author={I. Leblond and L. Jaulin and R. Schwab and I. Delumeau}, title={Recherche d'objets arch\'eologiques sous-marins \`a partir de donn\'ees multi-capteurs}, booktitle={GRETSI'19}, year={2019}, }
@InProceedings{lemezoCFP19, author={T. Le-M\'ezo and G. Le Maillot and T. Ropert, L. Jaulin and A. Ponte and B. Zerr}, title={Design and control of a low-cost autonomous profiling float}, booktitle={CFP'19}, publisher={Brest, France, June 19-22}, year={2019} }
@inproceedings{duboisjaulinLFA, author={D. Dubois and L. Jaulin and H. Prade}, title={{Ensembles \'epais, fonctions multivoques, et th\'eorie des possibilit\'es}}, year={2019}, booktitle={LFA 2019}, location={14-15 Novembre 2019, Al\`es, France}, url={https://lfa2019.wp.imt.fr/}, }
@inproceedings{NicoOcean19, author={T. Nico and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr and S. Tauvry and H. Ott}, title={{High level strategy for revisiting objects with low cost AUVs}}, year={2019}, booktitle={OCEANS 2019}, location={Marseille, France}, url={https://www.oceans19mtsieeemarseille.org/}, }
@article{jaulin:afia, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Calcul par intervalles pour la robotique mobile intelligente}, journal={Bulletin de l'Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle}, year={2019}, volume={104}, url={https://afia.asso.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/104_avr19.pdf}, }
@article{lemezo2017amc, author="T. Le-M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr", title="Bracketing the solutions of an ordinary differential equation with uncertain initial conditions", journal="Applied Mathematics and Computation", year=2018, pages={70--79}, volume=318, }
@Article{rohouAut18, author={S. Rohou and L. Jaulin and M. Mihaylova and F. Le Bars and S. Veres}, title={{Reliable non-linear state estimation involving time uncertainties}}, pages={379--388}, journal={Automatica}, year=2018, OPT_note={Doi: \url{10.1016/j.automatica.2018.03.074}} }
@Article{JaulinCeberioKoshelevaKreinovich, author={L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and O. Kosheleva and V. Kreinovich}, title={{How to Efficiently Compute Ranges over a Difference Between Boxes, with Applications to Underwater Localization}}, pages={190-199}, journal={Journal of Uncertain Systems}, year=2018, volume=12 }
@Article{rohouIJRS18, author={S. Rohou and P. Franek and C. Aubry and L. Jaulin}, title={{Proving the existence of loops in robot trajectories}}, journal={International Journal of Robotics Research}, year=2018 }
@inproceedings{JaulinCeberio:WCCI, author={L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and O. Kosheleva and V. Kreinovich}, title={{How to Efficiently Compute Ranges over a Difference Between Boxes, with Applications to Underwater Localization}}, year={2018}, booktitle={IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2018}, location={Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, }
@inproceedings{DesrochersJaulin:dataasso, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={{Interval State Estimation With Data Association}}, year={2018}, booktitle={SWIM 2018}, location={Rostock, Germany}, url={https://www.uni-rostock.de/en/university/news-and-publications/events/detailansicht/n/swim-2018-11th-summer-workshop-on-interval-methods/}, }
@inproceedings{legallic_wrsc, author={M. Le Gallic and J. Tillet and L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars}, title={{Tight Slalom Control for Sailboat Robots}}, year={2018}, editor={Sophia Schillai and Nicholas Townsend}, booktitle={Robotic Sailing 2018}, booksubtitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, location={Southampton, UK}, pages={87--93}, url={http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2331/#paper9}, }
@inproceedings{jaulin:isobath, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Isobath Following using an Altimeter as a Unique Exteroceptive Sensor}}, year={2018}, editor={Sophia M. Schillai and Nicholas Townsend}, booktitle={Robotic Sailing 2018}, booksubtitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, eventdate={2018-08-31/2018-09-01}, location={Southampton, UK}, pages={105--110}, url={http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2331/#paper11} }
@inproceedings{viel:position:keeping, author={C. Viel and U. Vautier and J. Wan and L. Jaulin}, title={{Position keeping control of an autonomous sailboat}}, year={2018}, booktitle={11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles}, location={Opatija, Croatia}, volume=51, pages={14-19}, }
@inproceedings{desrochersLFA18, author={L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers}, title={{Caract\'erisation d'une zone explor\'ee par un robot sous-marin}}, year={8-9 Novembre 2018}, booktitle={27\`emes rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications}, location={Arras, France}, url={https://www.lgi2a.univ-artois.fr/events/lfa2018/} }
@Article{nicola_moqesm_18, author={J. Nicola and L. Jaulin}, title={Comparison of Kalman and interval approaches for the simultaneous localization and mapping of an underwater vehicle}, journal={Special Issue on Ocean Engineering and Oceanography, Springer}, year=2018 }
@Article{khadim18, author={K. Vencatasamy and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={{Secure a zone from intruders with a group of robots}}, pages={76--84}, volume={93}, journal={Ocean Engineering and Oceanography}, year=2018 }
@inproceedings{lebars18, author={F. Le Bars and E. Antonio and J. Cervantes and C. De La Cruz and L. Jaulin}, title={{Estimating the trajectory of low-cost autonomous robots using interval analysis: application to the euRathlon competition}}, year={2018}, booktitle={Springer volume special issue in Ocean Engineering and Oceanography}, }
@inproceedings{fuzzy_nisha, author={N. Mahato and S. Chakraverty and L. Jaulin}, title={{Fuzzy Matrix Contractor Based Approach for Localization of Robots}}, year={2018}, booktitle={Recent Advances in Applications of Computational and Fuzzy Mathematics}, }
@Article{welte:avoidance, author={A. Welte and L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich}, title={Computability of the Avoidance Set and of the Set-Valued Identification Problem}, journal={Journal of Uncertain Systems}, volume={11}, number={2}, pages={129--136}, year=2017 }
@article{DesrochersTAC16, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={Computing a guaranteed approximation the zone explored by a robot}, journal={IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control}, volume={62}, number={1}, pages={425--430}, year={2017} }
@Article{rohouRAS17, author={S. Rohou and L. Jaulin and M. Mihaylova and F. Le Bars and S. Veres}, title={{Guaranteed Computation of Robots Trajectories}}, pages={76--84}, volume={93}, journal={Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, year=2017 }
@Article{welte:fake, author={A. Welte and L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich}, title={Avoiding Fake Boundaries in Set Interval Computing}, journal={Journal of Uncertain Systems}, volume={11}, number={2}, pages={137--148}, year=2017 }
@Article{DesrochersThick_ia, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={{Thick set inversion}}, journal={Artifical Intelligence}, pages={1--18}, volume={249}, year=2017 }
@article{lemezo_tac_18, doi = {10.1109/tac.2017.2685241}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109%2Ftac.2017.2685241}, year = 2017, month = {aug}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})}, volume = {62}, number = {8}, pages = {4236--4242}, author = {T. Le-M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title = {An Interval Approach to Compute Invariant Sets}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control} }
@article{soares_2017, author = {T. Machado-Coelho and A. Machado and L. Jaulin and P. Ekel and W. Pedrycz and G. Soares}, year = 2017, volume = {59}, number = {8}, pages = {405--417}, title = {An Interval Space Reducing Method for Constrained Problems with Particle Swarm Optimization.}, journal = {Applied Soft Computing} }
@article{minkowski, author = {B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, year = 2017, title = {Minkowski operations of sets with application to robot localization}, journal = {SNR'2017, Uppsala} }
@InProceedings{lemezo_swim_17, author={T. Le-M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={Eulerian state estimation}, booktitle={SWIM'17, Manchester, UK}, year={2017} }
@InProceedings{mahato:swim_17, author={N. Mahato and L. Jaulin and S. Chakraverty}, title={Localization for Group of Robots using Matrix Contractors}, booktitle={SWIM'17, Manchester, UK}, year={2017} }
@InProceedings{desrochers:chain:17, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={Chain of set inversion problems; Application to reachability analysis}, booktitle={IFAC'2017, Toulouse}, year={2017} }
@article{HerreroDelaunay16, author={P. Herrero and B. Delaunay and L. Jaulin and P. Georgiou and N. Oliver and C. Toumazou}, title={Robust Set-membership Parameter Estimation of the Glucose Minimal Model}, journal={Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing}, volume={30}, number={2}, year={2016} }
@article{JaulinConstraint16, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Range-only SLAM with indistinguishable landmarks; a constraint programming approach}, journal={Constraints}, volume={21}, number={4}, pages={557--576}, year={2016} }
@Article{jaulin_inner_state2016, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Inner and outer set-membership state estimation}}, journal={Reliable Computing}, pages={47--55}, volume={22}, year=2016 }
@Article{jaulin:bad:2016, author={L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers and D. Mass\'e}, title={{Bisectable Abstract Domains for the resolution of equations involving complex numbers}}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume={23}, pages={35--46}, year=2016 }
@article{DesrochersPolar2016, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={A Minimal Contractor for the Polar Equation; Application to Robot Localization}, journal={Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, volume={55}, pages={83--92}, year={2016} }
@article{Laranjeira16, author={M. Laranjeira and L. Jaulin and S. Tauvry}, title={Underwater Mosaics Using Navigation Data and Feature Extraction}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume={22}, pages={116--137}, year={2016} }
@Article{monnet2016, author={D. Monnet and J. Ninin and L. Jaulin}, title={{Computing an inner and an outer approximation of the viability kernel}}, journal={Reliable Computing}, year=2016 }
@InProceedings{lemezoSWIM16, author={T. Le-M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={Inner approximation of a capture basin of a dynamical system}, booktitle={Abstracts of the 9th Summer Workshop on Interval Methods}, publisher={Lyon, France, June 19-22}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{Schvarcz_fake16, author={G. Schvarcz Franco and L. Jaulin}, title={How to avoid fake boundaries in contractor programming?}, booktitle={SWIM'16}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{codres_swim2016, author={E. Codres and W. Al Mashhadani and A. Brown and A. Stancu and L. Jaulin}, title={Range-Only Multistatic Radar Detection of a Windfarm Based on Interval Analysis}, booktitle={SWIM'16}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{nicola_swim2016, author={J. Nicola and L. Jaulin}, title={OMNE is a Maximum Likelihood Estimator}, booktitle={SWIM'16}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{desrochers_scan2016, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={Relaxed intersection of thick sets}, booktitle={SCAN'16}, year={2016} }
@article{lemezo2016ivp, author="T. Le-M\'ezo and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr", title="An interval approach to solve an initial value problem", journal="AIP Conference Proceedings, NUMTA'16", year="2016", volume="1776", number="1", }
@InProceedings{jaulin_zerr_scan2016, author={L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={Secure a zone with robots}, booktitle={SCAN'16}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{jaulin_desrochers_coprod2016, author={L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers}, title={Thick separators}, booktitle={COPROD'16}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{jaulin_moqesm2016, author={L. Jaulin}, title={An introduction to robotics for hydrographers}, booktitle={MOQESM'16}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{jaulin_zerr_moqesm2016, author={L. Jaulin and B.Zerr}, title={Secure the Biscay bay from intruders with a group of underwater robots}, booktitle={MOQESM'16}, year={2016} }
@Article{desrochers_moqesm_16, author={B. Desrochers and L. Jaulin}, title={Guaranteed assessment of the area covered by an AUV}, journal={MOQESM'2016}, year=2016 }
@InProceedings{welte:SSCI16, author={A. Welte and L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich}, title={Robust Data Processing in the Presence of Uncertainty and Outliers: Case of Localization Problems}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Series of Symposia in Computational Intelligence SSCI'2016, December, Greece}, year={2016} }
@InProceedings{JaulinLopez16, author={L. Jaulin and D. Lopez and Le Doze and S. Le Menec and J. Ninin and G. Chabert and S. Ibn Seddik and A. Stancu}, editor={M. Nehmeier and J.W. von Gudenberg and W. Tucker}, title={Computing capture tubes}, booktitle={Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics}, pages={209--224}, volume={9553}, publisher={Springer}, year={2016} }
@article{DelanoueCNSNS15, author={N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin and B. Cottenceau}, title={An algorithm for computing a neighborhood included in the attraction domain of an asymptotically stable point}, journal={Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation}, volume={21}, number={1-3}, pages={181--189}, year={2015}, OPT_note={Doi: \url{10.1016/j.cnsns.2014.08.034}} }
@article{BrefortJUS, author={Q. Brefort and L Jaulin and M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich}, title={Towards Fast and Reliable Localization of an Underwater Object: An Interval Approach}, journal={Journal of Uncertain Systems}, volume={9}, year={2015} }
@article{jeremy15ASCE, author={J. Nicola and L. Jaulin}, title={Contractors and Linear Matrix Inequalities}, journal={Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B. Mechanical Engineering}, volume={1}, number={3}, year={2015} }
@InProceedings{MustafaStancu15, author={M. Mustafa and A. Stancu and S. Gutierrez and E. Codres and L. Jaulin}, editor={Bucharest, Romania}, title={Rigid Transformation using Interval Analysis for Robot Motion Estimation}, booktitle={The 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science}, year={2015} }
@InProceedings{jaulinSwimScout15, author={L. Jaulin and S. Rohou and J. Nicola and M. Saad and F. Le Bars and B. Zerr}, title={Distributed localization and control of a group of underwater robots using contractor programming}, booktitle={SWIM'15, Prague}, year={2015} }
@InProceedings{LeBarsWRSC2015, author={F. Le Bars and L. Jaulin}, title={The World Robotic Sailing Championship, a competition to stimulate the development of autonomous sailboats}, booktitle={OCEAN'15, May 18-21, Genova, Italy}, year={2015} }
@InProceedings{desrochers_iros2015, author={B. Desrochers and S. Lacroix and L. Jaulin}, title={Set-Membership Approach to the Kidnapped Robot Problem}, booktitle={IROS 2015}, year={2015}, }
@InProceedings{JaulinSWIMSMART15, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Separator Algebra for State Estimation}}, booktitle={SMART'15, SWIM'15}, year={2015}, address={Manchester, UK} }
@InProceedings{JaulinSWIMSMART15, author={D. Monnet and L. Jaulin and J. Ninin}, title={{Computing a guaranteed approximation of the viability kernel}}, booktitle={SMART'15, SWIM'15}, year={2015}, address={Manchester, UK} }
@article{jaulin_vstabrc_2014, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Outer approximation of attractors using an interval quantization}, volume={19}, pages={261--273}, journal={Reliable Computing}, year={2014} }
@article{DesrochersEAAI2014, author={L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers}, title={Introduction to the Algebra of Separators with Application to Path Planning}, volume={33}, pages={141--147}, journal={Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, year={2014}, doi={10.1016/j.engappai.2014.04.010} }
@article{BethencourtMCS14, author={A. Bethencourt and L. Jaulin}, title={Solving non-linear constraint satisfaction problems involving time-dependant functions}, journal={Mathematics in Computer Science}, volume={8}, number={3}, year={2014} }
@article{AubryMCS14, author={C. Aubry and R. Desmare and L. Jaulin}, title={Kernel characterization of an interval function}, journal={Mathematics in Computer Science}, volume={8}, number={3}, year={2014} }
@article{SaadMCS14, author={S. Ibn Seddik and L. Jaulin and J. Grimdale}, title={Phase Based Localization for Underwater Vehicles Using Interval Analysis}, journal={Mathematics in Computer Science}, volume={8}, number={3}, year={2014} }
%[170] @article{NeulandUS, author={R. Neuland and R. Maffei and L. Jaulin and E. Prestes and M. Kolberg}, title={Improving the precision of AUVs localization in a hybrid interval-probabilistic approach using a set-inversion strategy}, journal={Unmanned Systems, Special Issue on Autonomous Underwater Robots}, volume={2}, number={4}, year={2014} }
%[169] @InProceedings{DesrochersICVRAM14, author={L. Jaulin and A. Stancu and B. Desrochers}, title={Inner and outer approximations of probabilistic sets}, booktitle={ICVRAM 2014}, year={2014}, }
@InProceedings{jaulinDesrochersCOPROD14, author={L. Jaulin and B. Desrochers}, title={Robust localisation using separators}, booktitle={COPROD 2014}, year={2014}, }
%[167] @InProceedings{JaulinScan2014, author={L. Jaulin and J. Ninin and G. Chabert and S. Le Menec and M. Saad and V. Le Doze and A. Stancu}, title={{Computing capture tubes}}, booktitle={SCAN'14}, year={2014}, }
%[166] @InProceedings{jaulin_towing14, author={L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars}, title={Towing with sailboat robots}, booktitle={7th International Robotic Sailing Conference, Ireland}, year={2014}, }
@InProceedings{Neuland14Iros, author={R. Neuland and J. Nicola and R. Maffei and L. Jaulin and E. Prestes and M. Kolberg}, title={Hybridization of Monte Carlo and Set-membership Methods for the Global Localization of Underwater Robots}, booktitle={IROS 2014}, pages={199--204}, year={2014}, }
%[164] @InProceedings{Brefort14, author={Q. Brefort and L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich}, title={If we take into account that constraints are soft,then processing constraints Becomes algorithmically solvable}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Series of Symposia on Computational Intelligence SSCI'2014}, publisher={Orlando, Florida, December 9-12}, year={2014}, }
@InProceedings{Silke_IRSC2014, author={S. Schmitt and F. Le Bars and L. Jaulin and T. Latzel}, title={{Obstacle Avoidance for an Autonomous Marine Robot - A Vector Field Approach}}, booktitle={7th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, publisher={Springer}, year={2014}, address={Ireland} }
%[162] @InProceedings{nicola_moqesm_14, author={J. Nicola and L. Jaulin}, title={Guaranteed localization of an underwater robot using bathymetry data and interval analysis}, booktitle={Quantitative Monitoring of the Underwater Environment, Proceedings of the International Marine Science and Technology Event}, publisher={MOQESM'14 in Brest, France}, year=2014 }
@article{Bethencourt:Kinect:2013, author={A. Bethencourt and L. Jaulin}, title={3D Reconstruction Using Interval Methods on The Kinect Device Coupled With an IMU}, journal={International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems}, volume={10}, number={93}, pages={1--10}, year={2013} }
@Article{aubry:autom:13, author={C. Aubry and R. Desmare and L. Jaulin}, title={{Loop detection of mobile robots using interval analysis}}, journal={Automatica}, year=2013, }
%[159] @article{BethencourtJBR13, author={A. Bethencourt and L. Jaulin}, title={Cooperative localization of underwater robots with unsynchronized clocks}, journal={Journal of Behavioral Robotics}, volume={4}, pages={233--244}, number={4}, year={2013} }
%[158] @article{jaulinNumta13, author="L. Jaulin", title="Parametric global optimization; application to sailboat robotics", journal="Numerical computations: theory and algorithms, NUMTA'13", year="2013", }
@InProceedings{Jaulin_IRSC2013, author={L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars}, title={{Sailboat as a windmill}}, booktitle={6th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, publisher={Springer}, year={2013}, address={Brest, France} }
@Inproceedings{Drevelle:Jaulin:Zerr:2013, author={V. Drevelle and L. Jaulin and B. Zerr}, title={Guaranteed Characterization of the Explored Space of a Mobile Robot by using Subpavings}, booktitle={Proc. Symp. Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS'13)}, address={Toulouse}, year={2013} }
@InProceedings{Lebars:Jaulin:Menage:Angers2013, author={F. Le Bars and L. Jaulin and O. M\'enage}, title={{Suivi de ligne pour un voilier; application au robot voilier autonome VAIMOS pour l'oc\'eanographie}}, booktitle={Journ\'ees D\'emonstrateur}, year={12-13 juin 2013}, address={Angers, France} }
%[154] @Article{Lebars:tubes:12, author={F. Le Bars and J. Sliwka and O. Reynet and L. Jaulin}, title={{State estimation with fleeting data}}, journal={Automatica}, volume={48}, number={2}, pages={381--387}, year=2012, }
@Article{Jaulin:Computing:12, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Solving set-valued constraint satisfaction problems}}, journal={Computing}, volume={94}, number={2}, pages={297--311}, year=2012 }
@Article{Bazeille:12, author={S. Bazeille and I. Quidu and L. Jaulin}, title={{Color-based underwater object recognition using water light attenuation}}, journal={Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={109--118}, year=2012 }
@Article{Quidu:12, author={I. Quidu and L. Jaulin and A. Bertholom and Y. Dupas}, title={{Robust Multitarget Tracking in Forward Looking Sonar Image Sequences using Navigational Data}}, journal={IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering}, volume={37}, number={3}, pages={417--430}, year=2012 }
@Article{Jaulin:IEEE:TRO:12, author={L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars}, title={{An Interval Approach for Stability Analysis; Application to Sailboat Robotics}}, journal={IEEE Transaction on Robotics}, volume={27}, number={5}, year=2012, doi={10.1109/TRO.2012.2217794} }
@Article{Herrero:12, author={P. Herrero and P. Georgiou and C. Toumazou and B. Delaunay and L. Jaulin}, title={{An Efficient Implementation of SIVIA Algorithm in a High-Level Numerical Programming Language}}, journal={Reliable computing}, pages={239--251}, year=2012 }
@article{Jaulin:flatness:2012, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Combining interval analysis with flatness theory for state estimation of sailboat robots}, journal={Mathematics in Computer Science}, volume={6}, number={4}, pages={247--259}, year={2012} }
@InProceedings{Jaulin_Roadef12, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Optimal control tuning of a redundant robot}}, booktitle={Roadef'12}, year={2012}, address={Angers, France} }
@InProceedings{JaulinCifa2012, author={L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars and B. Cl\'ement and Y. Gallou and O. M\'enage and O. Reynet and J. Sliwka and B. Zerr}, title={{Suivi de route pour un robot voilier}}, booktitle={CIFA 2012}, year={2012}, address={Grenoble (France)} }
@InProceedings{Jaulin_IRSC2012, author={L. Jaulin and F. Le Bars}, title={{A simple controller for line following of sailboats}}, booktitle={5th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, publisher={Springer}, year={2012}, pages={107--119}, address={Cardiff, Wales, England}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-33084-1_11} }
@InProceedings{Lebars_IRSC2012, author={F. Le Bars and L. Jaulin}, title={{An experimental validation of a robust controller with the VAIMOS autonomous sailboat}}, booktitle={5th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, publisher={Springer}, pages={74--84}, year={2012}, address={Cardiff, Wales, England} }
@InProceedings{JaulinScan2012, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Interval analysis and robotics}}, booktitle={SCAN'12}, year={2012}, address={Novosibirsk, Russia} }
@InProceedings{LhommeauWodes2012, author={M. Lhommeau and L. Jaulin and L. Hardouin}, title={{A nonlinear set-membership approach for the control of Discrete Event Systems}}, booktitle={Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES)}, year={2012}, address={Guadalajara, Mexico} }
@Article{Reynet:estimability:11, author={O. Reynet and L. Jaulin}, title={A New Interval-Based Method to Characterize Estimability}, journal={International Journal of Adaptative Control and Signal Processing}, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={288--294}, year=2011, }
@Article{Jaulin:RAS:11, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Set-membership localization with probabilistic errors}, journal={Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, volume={59}, number={6}, pages={489--495}, year=2011 }
@Article{Hladik:11, author={M. Hladik and L. Jaulin}, title={An Eigenvalue Symmetric Matrix Contractor}, journal={Reliable Computing}, pages={27--37}, year=2011 }
@Article{Jaulin:IEEE:TRO:11, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Range-only SLAM with occupancy maps; A set-membership approach}}, journal={IEEE Transaction on Robotics}, volume={27}, number={5}, pages={1004--1010}, year=2011 }
@article{Lhommeau:capture:11, doi = {10.1002/acs.1195}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1002%2Facs.1195}, year = 2010, month = {aug}, publisher = {Wiley}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, pages = {264--272}, author = {M. Lhommeau and L. Jaulin and L. Hardouin}, title = {Capture basin approximation using interval analysis}, journal = {International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing} }
@InProceedings{jaulin:rauh:11, author={L. Jaulin}, editor={A. Rauh and E. Auer}, title={Probabilistic set-membership state estimator}, booktitle={Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties}, pages={117--128}, publisher={Mathematical Engineering, Springer-Verlag}, volume={3}, year={2011} }
@InProceedings{Xiao11, author={K. Xiao and J. Sliwka and L. Jaulin}, title={A wind-independent control strategy for autonomous sailboats based on Voronoi diagram}, booktitle={CLAWAR 2011 (best paper award)}, year={2011}, address={Paris} }
@InProceedings{Sliwka:IRSC:11, author={J. Sliwka and J. Nicola and R. Coquelin and F. Becket and B. Cl\'ement and L. Jaulin}, title={Sailing without wind sensor and other hardware and software innovations}, booktitle={4th International Robotic Sailing Conference}, publisher={Springer}, address={LuBbeck, Germany }, year={2011} }
@InProceedings{Sliwka:elpaso:11, author={J. Sliwka and F. Le Bars and O. Reynet and L. Jaulin}, title={Using interval methods in the context of robust localization of underwater robots}, booktitle={NAFIPS 2011}, year={2011}, address={El Paso, USA} }
@InProceedings{Sliwka:fuzzy:11, author={J. Sliwka and L. Jaulin and M. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich}, title={Processing Interval Sensor Data in the Presence of Outliers, with Potential Applications to Localizing Underwater Robots}, booktitle={IEEE SMC}, year={2011}, address={Anchorage, Alaska} }
@Article{Jaulin_probint0, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Probabilistic set-membership approach for robust regression}, journal={Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice}, volume={4}, number={1}, year={2010} }
@Article{HerreroJaulin09, author={P. Herrero and L. Jaulin and J. Vehi and M. A. Sainz}, title={Guaranteed Set-point Computation with Application to the Control of a Sailboat}, journal={International Journal of Control Automation and Systems}, volume={8}, number={1}, pages={1--7}, year={2010} }
@Article{Goldsztejn-Jaulin-RC2010, author={A. Goldsztejn and L. Jaulin}, title={{Inner Approximation of the Range of Vector-Valued Functions}}, journal={Reliable Computing}, year=2010, pages={1-23} }
@Article{JaulinChabert2010, author={L. Jaulin and G. Chabert}, title={Resolution of nonlinear interval problems using symbolic interval arithmetic}, journal={Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, volume={23}, number={6}, pages={1035--1049}, year={2010}
@InProceedings{JaulinCifa2010, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Commande d'un skate-car par biomim\'etisme}}, booktitle={CIFA 2010}, year={2010}, address={Nancy (France)} }
@InProceedings{JaulinScan2010, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Solving set-valued constraint satisfaction problems}}, booktitle={SCAN 2010}, year={2010},map building of an underwater address={Lyon (France)} }
@InProceedings{LebarsBertholomSliwkaJaulin10, author={F. Le bars and A. Bertholom and J. Sliwka and L. Jaulin}, title={Interval SLAM for underwater robots; a new experiment}, booktitle={NOLCOS 2010}, year={2010}, address={Italy} }
@Article{Jaulin:IEEE:TRO:09, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{A Nonlinear Set-membership Approach for the Localization and Map Building of an Underwater Robot using Interval Constraint Propagation}}, journal={IEEE Transaction on Robotics}, volume=25, number={1}, year=2009, pages={88--98} }
@Article{Chabert09, author={G. Chabert and L. Jaulin}, year=2009, title={{A Priori Error Analysis with Intervals}}, journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, volume=31, number={3}, pages={2214--2230} }
@ARTICLE{Jaulin09_Automatica_Robust, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2009, title={Robust set membership state estimation ; Application to Underwater Robotics}, journal={Automatica}, volume=45, number={1}, pages={202--206} }
@ARTICLE{Soares:TEAM22:09, author={G. Soares and R. Adriano and C. Maia and L. Jaulin and J. Vasconcelos}, year=2009, title={Robust Multi-Objective TEAM 22 Problem: a Case Study of Uncertainties in Design Optimization}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Magnetics}, volume=45, number={3}, pages={1028--1031} }
@ARTICLE{ChabertJaulin09, author={G. Chabert and L. Jaulin}, title={{Contractor Programming}}, journal={Artificial Intelligence}, volume={173}, pages={1079--1100}, year={2009}, doi = {10.1016/J.ARTINT.2009.03.002}, }
@article{Lepadatu:Baguenard:09, author={D. Lepadatu and A. Kobi and X. Baguenard and L. Jaulin}, title={Springback of Stamping Process Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology and Interval Computation}, journal={Quality Technology \& Quantitative Management}, volume={6}, number={4}, pages={409--421}, year={2009} }
@article{Soares:nonlinear:analysis:09, author={G.L. Soares and R.O. Parreiras and L. Jaulin and J.A. Vasconcelosa and C.A. Maia}, title={Interval robust multi-objective algorithm}, journal={Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods \& Applications}, volume={71}, number={12}, pages={1818--1825}, year={2009} }
@InProceedings{JaulinBazeilleSysid09, author={L. Jaulin and S. Bazeille}, title={Image Shape Extraction using Interval Methods}, booktitle={Sysid 2009}, year={2009}, address={Saint Malo, France} }
@InProceedings{Lebars2009, author={F. Le Bars and J. Sliwka and L. Jaulin}, title={Analyse par intervalles pour le lanc\'e de rayon et pour l'analyse de stabilit\'e}, booktitle={JD-JN-MACS}, year={2009}, address={Angers, France} }
@InProceedings{Sliwka09, author={J. Sliwka and F. Le Bars and L. Jaulin}, title={Calcul ensembliste pour la localisation et la cartographie robustes}, booktitle={JD-JN-MACS}, year={2009}, address={Angers, France} }
@InProceedings{saucisse09, author={F. Le Bars and J. Sliwka and and L. Jaulin}, title={SAUCISSE, an autonomous underwater vehicle}, booktitle={SAUCE'09}, year={2009}, address={Portmouth, England} }
@inproceedings{ChabertMonotonicity09, author = {G. Chabert and L. Jaulin}, editor = {Ian P. Gent}, title = {Hull Consistency under Monotonicity}, booktitle = {Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - {CP} 2009, 15th International Conference, {CP} 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, September 20-24, 2009, Proceedings}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5732}, pages = {188--195}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2009}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-04244-7\_17}, }
@InProceedings{ChabertJaulinLorca09, author={G. Chabert and L. Jaulin and X. Lorca}, title={A Constraint on the Number of Distinct Vectors with Application to Localization}, booktitle={CP'2009}, year={2009}, address={} }
@InProceedings{QuiduDupasJaulin09, author={I. Quidu and Y. Dupas and L. Jaulin}, title={Theoretical optical flow for target position prediction on FLS images}, booktitle={Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies \& Results}, year={2009}, address={Nafplion, Greece} }
@InProceedings{ReynetJaulinChabert09, author={O. Reynet and L. Jaulin and G. Chabert}, title={Robust TDOA Passive Location Using Interval Analysis and Contractor Programming}, booktitle={Radar}, year={2009}, address={Bordeaux, France} }
@InProceedings{sliwka_reilhac09, author={J. Sliwka and P. Reilhac and R. LeLoup and P. Crepier and H. D. Malet and P. Sittaramane and F. Le Bars and K. Roncin and B. Aizier and L. Jaulin}, title={Autonomous robotic boat of ENSIETA}, booktitle={2nd International Robotic Sailing Conference}, year={2009}, address={Matosinhos, Portugal} }
@InProceedings{soares2009, author={G.L. Soares and F.G. Guimaraes and C.A. Maia and J.A. Vasconcelos and L. Jaulin}, title={Interval robust multi-objective evolutionary algorithm}, booktitle={IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press, 1637-1643}, year={2009}, address={Trondheim} }
@ARTICLE{Gustavo_IEEE08, author={G. Soares and A. Arnold-Bos and L. Jaulin and J. A. Vasconcelos and C. A. Maia}, year=2008, title={An interval-based target tracking approach for range-only multistatic radar}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Magnetics}, volume=44, number={6}, pages={1350--1353} }
@ARTICLE{LagrangeIEEE08, author={S. Lagrange and L. Jaulin and V. Vigneron and C. Jutten}, year=2008, title={Nonlinear Blind Parameter Estimation}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume=53, number={4}, pages={834-838} }
@ARTICLE{Lagrange:Automatica08, author={S. Lagrange and N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin}, year=2008, title={Injectivity Analysis using Interval Analysis. Application to Structural Identifiability}, journal={Automatica}, volume=44, number={11}, pages={2959--2962} }
@InProceedings{JaulinChabertCifa2008, author={L. Jaulin and G. Chabert}, title={{QUIMPER : un langage de programmation pour le calcul ensembliste ; Application \`a l'automatique}}, booktitle={CIFA 2008}, year={2008}, address={Bucarest, Roumanie} }
@INCOLLECTION{lhommeau_lncs, author={N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin and L. Hardouin and M. Lhommeau}, year=2008, title={Guaranteed Characterization of Capture Basins of Nonlinear State-space Systems}, booktitle={Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics}, series=LNCS, publisher={Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer} }
@ARTICLE{Delanoue:Jaulin:CottenceauRC07, author={N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin and B. Cottenceau}, year=2007, title={{Guaranteeing the Homotopy Type of a Set Defined by Nonlinear Inequalities}}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume=13, number={5}, pages={381--398} }
@ARTICLE{LagrangeDelanoueRC07, author={S. Lagrange and N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin}, year=2007, title={On sufficient conditions of injectivity, development of a numerical test via interval analysis}, journal={Reliable computing}, volume=13, number={5}, pages={409--421} }
@ARTICLE{bazeille07:TS, author={S. Bazeille and L. Jaulin and I. Quidu and J.P Malkasse}, year=2007, title={Une m\'ethode de pr\'etraitement automatique pour le d\'ebruitage des images sous marines}, journal={Traitement du signal,num\'ero sp\'ecial "Caract\'erisation du milieu marin"}, volume={}, number={}, pages={} }
@ARTICLE{BraemsRamdani07, author={I. Braems and N. Ramdani and M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and Y. Candau}, year=2007, title={Guaranteed characterization of thermal conductivity and diffusivity in presence of model uncertainty}, journal={Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering}, volume=15, number={8}, pages={895-910} }
@ARTICLE{ChabertJaulin07RC, author={G. Chabert and L. Jaulin}, year=2007, title={Computing the pessimism of inclusion functions}, journal={Reliable computing}, volume=13, number={6}, pages={489-504} }
@ARTICLE{Jaulin:ETAS:ICRA07, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2007, title={Control of a wheeled stair-climbing robot using linear programming}, journal={ICRA 2007, CD-Rom}, address={Rome (Italy)} }
@InProceedings{jaulin:icinco:angers, author={L. Jaulin and A. Bertholom and F. Dabe and M. Legris}, title={A set approach to the simultaneous localization and map building; application to underwater robots}, booktitle={ICINCO}, year={2007}, address={Angers, France} }
@ARTICLE{Lhommeau:Viability:Incinco07, author={M. Lhommeau and L Jaulin and L. Hardouin}, year=2007, title={Inner and outer approximation of capture basins using interval analysis}, journal={ICINCO 2007}, address={Angers (France)} }
@InProceedings{Bazeille07, author={S. Bazeille and L. Jaulin and I. Quidu}, title={Identification of underwater man-made object using a colour criterion}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics}, volume={29}, year={2007}, }
@InProceedings{Mazeika:fusion, author={A. Mazeika and L. Jaulin, and C. Osswald}, title={A new approach for computing with fuzzy sets using interval analysis}, booktitle={10th International Conference on Information Fusion}, pages={1--8}, year={2007}, address={Qu\'ebec, Canada} }
@ARTICLE{Diloreto07, author={M. Di-Loreto and M. Dao and L. Jaulin and J.F. Lafay and J.J. Loiseau}, year=2007, title={Applied interval computation: a new approach for time-delay system analysis}, journal={In Application of Time-Delay Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science}, volume=352, pages={175--197} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinSignal06, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2006, title={Computing minimal-volume credible sets using interval analysis; Application to Bayesian estimation}, journal={IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing}, volume=54, number=9, pages={3632--3636} }
@ARTICLE{LagrangeJESA06, author={S. Lagrange and L. Jaulin and V. Vigneron and C. Jutten}, year=2006, title={Identification en aveugle des param\`etres de syst\`emes non lin\'eaires}, journal={Journal Europeen des Syst\`emes Automatis\'es}, volume=40, number=8, pages={847--865} }
@InProceedings{jaulin:reder:CP06, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Localization of an underwater robot using interval constraints propagation}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Nantes, France, September 2006 (CP 2006)}, year={2006}, address={Nantes (France)} }
@InProceedings{JaulinBertholom2006, author={L. Jaulin and A. Bertholom}, title={Localization of an AUV using set-membership methods}, booktitle={SeaTechWeek}, year={2006}, address={Brest, France} }
@InProceedings{Bazeille:CMM, author={S. Bazeille and L. Jaulin and I. Quidu and J.P Malkasse}, title={Automatic underwater image pre-preprocessing}, booktitle={SeaTechWeek, Caract\'erisation du Milieu Marin}, year={2006}, address={Brest, France} }
@InProceedings{Goldsztejn-Jaulin-CP2006, author={A. Goldsztejn and L. Jaulin}, title={Inner and Outer Approximations of Existentially Quantified Equality Constraints}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, (CP 2006)}, year={2006}, address={Nantes (France)} }
@ARTICLE{LagrangeIntCP06, author={S. Lagrange and N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin}, year=2006, title={Test of Injectivity via Interval Analysis}, journal={Twelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (IntCP 2006)}, address={Nantes (France)} }
@InProceedings{Delanoue:attraction:06, author={N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin and B. Cottenceau}, title={Attraction domain of a nonlinear system using interval analysis}, booktitle={Twelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (IntCP 2006)}, year={2006}, address={France, Nantes}, }
@InProceedings{JaulinLegrisDabe06, author={L. Jaulin and M. Legris and F. Dabe}, title={{GESMI, un logiciel pour l'aide \`a localisation de mines sous-marines}}, booktitle={JIME 2006 (Journ\'ees Identification et Mod\'elisation Exp\'erimentale)}, year={2006}, address={Poitiers (France)} }
@InProceedings{Cros:CMM, author={L. Cros and C. Gervaise and I. Quidu and L. Jaulin and Y. Stephan}, title={A new concept of ocean acoustic tomography}, booktitle={SeaTechWeek, Caract\'erisation du Milieu Marin}, year={2006}, address={Brest, France} }
@ARTICLE{Delaloue:counting:06, author={N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin and B. Cottenceau}, year=2006, title={Counting the Number of Connected Components of a Set and Its Application to Robotics}, journal={In Applied Parallel Computing, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen, J. Wasniewski (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume=3732, pages={93--101} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinHenrion05, author={L. Jaulin and D. Henrion}, year=2005, title={Contracting optimally an interval matrix without loosing any positive semi-definite matrix is a tractable problem}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume=11, number=1, pages={1--17} }
@ARTICLE{delanoue06, author={N. Delanoue and L. Jaulin and B. Cottenceau}, year=2006, title={{Using Interval Arithmetic to Prove that a Set is Path Connected}}, journal={Theoretical Computer Science, Special issue: Real Numbers and Computers}, volume=351, number=1, pages={119-128} }
@ARTICLE{Herrero06, author={P. Herrero Vinas and M. A. Sainz and J. Vehi and L. Jaulin}, year=2006, title={Quantified Set Inversion Algorithm with Applications to Control}, journal={Reliable computing}, volume=11, number=5, pages={369--382} }
@InProceedings{Braems:Inverse:05, author={I. Braems and N. Ramdani and A. Boudenne and M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and L. Ibos and E. Walter and Y. Candau}, title={New set-membership techniques for parameter estimation in presence of model uncertainty}, booktitle={5th International Conference on Inverse Problems, in engineering : theory and practice}, year={2005}, address={Cambridge, UK} }
@InProceedings{Herrero:Intcp:05, author={P. Herrero Vinas and L. Jaulin and J. Vehi and M. A. Sainz}, title={Inner and outer approximation of the polar diagram of a sailboat}, booktitle={workshop on Interval Analysis and Constraint Propagation for Applications (IntCP'05)}, year={2005}, address={Barcelona, Spain} }
@InProceedings{Lepadatu05, author={D. Lepadatu and X. Baguenard and A. Kobi and R. Hambli and L. Jaulin}, title={{New response surface method for manufacturing process optimization using interval computation}}, booktitle={Qualita 2005, 6th Multi Disciplinary International Conference Quality and Dependability}, year={2005}, address={Prague} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinRatschan04, author={L. Jaulin and S. Ratschan and L. Hardouin}, year=2004, title={Set computation for nonlinear control}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume=10 , number=1, pages={1--26} }
@ARTICLE{LhommeauHardouin04, author={M. Lhommeau and L. Hardouin and B. Cottenceau and L. Jaulin}, year=2004, title={Interval Analysis and Dioid: Application to Robust Controller Design for Timed Event Graphs}, journal={Automatica}, volume=40, number=11, pages={1923--1930} }
@InProceedings{Diloreto04, author={M. Di-Loreto and M. Dao and L. Jaulin and J.F. Lafay and J.J. Loiseau}, title={Applied interval computation: a new approach for time-delay system analysis}, booktitle={Workshop CNRS-NSF Application of Time-Delay Systems}, year={2004}, address={September 13-15, Nantes} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DaoDouz2004, author={M. Dao and M. Di-Loreto and L. Jaulin and J.F. Lafay and J.J. Loiseau}, year={2004}, title={Application des m\'ethodes intervalles aux syst\`emes \`a retards}, booktitle={CIFA2004 (Conf\'erence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique), In CDROM}, address={Douz (Tunisie)} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JaulinTokyo2004, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2004}, title={Bayesian estimation using interval analysis}, booktitle={Franco-Japanese Workshop on Constraint Programming}, address={Tokyo, Japan, October 25-27} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{HerreoTaiwan2004, author={P. Herrero Vinas and M.A. Sainz and J. Vehi and L. Jaulin}, year={2004}, title={Quantified Set Inversion Algorithm with Applications to Control}, booktitle={IEEE International Symposium on Computed Aided Control Systems Design}, address={Taiwan} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JaulinBateau2004, author={L. Jaulin}, year={2004}, title={Mod\'elisation et commande d'un bateau \`a voile}, booktitle={CIFA2004 (Conf\'erence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique), In CDROM}, address={Douz (Tunisie)} }
@ARTICLE{Lagrange:SepSource:04, author={S. Lagrange and L. Jaulin and V. Vigneron and C. Jutten}, year=2004, title={Independent Component Analysis and blind signal separation, Analytical solution of the blind source separation problem using derivatives}, journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume=3195, pages={81--88} }
@ARTICLE{Baguenard_JESA03, author={X. Baguenard and M. Dao and L. Jaulin and W. Khalil}, year=2003, title={M\'ethodes ensemblistes pour l'\'etalonnage g\'eom\'etrique}, journal={Journal Europ\'een des Syst\`emes Automatis\'es}, volume=37, number=9, pages={1059--1074} }
@InProceedings{BottinoVCV03, author={A. Bottino and L. Jaulin and A. Laurentini}, title={{Finding feasible parameter sets for shape from silhouettes with unknown position of the viewpoints}}, booktitle={The 11-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2003}, year={2003}, address={Bory, Czech Republic} }
@InProceedings{Bottino03, author={A. Bottino and L. Jaulin and A. Laurentini}, title={{Reconstructing 3D Objects from Silhouettes with Unknown Viewpoints: The Case of Planar Orthographic Views}}, booktitle={8th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition}, year={2003}, pages={26-29}, address={Havana, Cuba} }
@InProceedings{LhommeauLisbon2003, author={M. Lhommeau and L. Hardouin and B. Cottenceau and L. Jaulin}, title={{Robust controller Design for Timed Event Graphs in Dioid}}, booktitle={Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2003)}, year={2003}, address={Lisbon, Portugal} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Dao:Baguenard:Jaulin:03, author={M. Dao and X. Baguenard and L. Jaulin}, year=2003, title={Projection d'ensembles pour l'estimation de param\`etres, la conception de robots et la commande robuste}, booktitle={{Journ\'ees Doctorales d'Automatique, JDA'03}}, address={Valenciennes, France}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Baguenard:Dao:Jaulin:Khalil:03, author={X. Baguenard and M. Dao and L. Jaulin and W. Khalil}, year=2003, title={Etalonnage g\'eom\'etrique d'un robot \`a six degr\'es de libert\'e}, booktitle={{Journ\'ees Doctorales d'Automatique, JDA'03}}, address={Valenciennes, France}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{jaulin:cork:03, author={L. Jaulin and D. Henrion}, year=2003, title={Linear matrix inequalities for interval constraint propagation}, booktitle={{Workshop IntCP'03, Interval Analysis and Constraint Propagation for Applications }}, address={Cork, Ireland, September 29th}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{BraemsSysid03, author={I. Braems and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and N. Ramdani and E. Walter}, year=2003, title={Reliable parameter estimation in presence of uncertain variables that are not estimated}, booktitle={13th IFAC Symposium On System Identification {SYSID'03}}, pages={1856-1861}, address={Rotterdam} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{WalterBraems03, author={E. Walter and I. Braems and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer}, year=2003, title={Guaranteed Numerical Computation as an alternative to Computer Algebra for Testing Models for Identifiability}, booktitle={Numerical Software with Result Verification International Dagstuhl Seminar, R. Alt, A. Frommer, B. Kearfott, and W. Luther, Springer}, pages={124-131}, address={Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, January 19-24} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinJESA02, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2002, title={Propagation de contraintes sur les intervalles pour l'estimation ensembliste}, journal={Num\'ero sp\'ecial de JESA : Identification des syst\`emes}, volume=36, number=3, pages={383--395} }
@ARTICLE{KiefferIJACSP01, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=2002, title={Guaranteed Recursive Nonlinear State Bounding Using Interval Analysis}, journal={International Journal of Adaptative Control and Signal Processing}, volume=16, pages={193-218} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinVoltera02, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2002, title={Nonlinear bounded-error state estimation of continuous-time systems}, journal={Automatica}, volume=38, pages={1079-1082} }
@ARTICLE{Jaulin_qminimax02, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=2002, title={Guaranteed robust nonlinear minimax estimation}, journal={IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control}, volume=47, number=11, pages={1857--1864} }
@Article{meizel02, author={D. Meizel and O. L{\'e}v\^{e}que and L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, title={Initial Localization by Set Inversion}, journal={IEEE transactions on robotics and Automation}, pages={966-971}, volume={18}, number={6}, year=2002 }
@ARTICLE{Jaulin02Robab, author={L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, year=2002, title={Guaranteed Robust Nonlinear Estimation with Application to Robot Localization}, journal={IEEE Transactions on systems, man and cybernetics; Part C Applications and Reviews}, volume=32, number=4, pages={374--382} }
@inproceedings{JaulinBraemsCDC02, author={L. Jaulin and I. Braems and E. Walter}, title="Interval methods for nonlinear identification and robust control", booktitle="In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)", address="9-13 decembre 2002, Las Vegas", year=2002 }
@InProceedings{Jaulin:Christie:Granvilliers, author={L. Jaulin and M. Christie and L. Granvilliers}, title={Quelques applications de la propagation de contraintes sur les domaines continus en automatique}, booktitle={Onzi\`emes Journ\'ees Francophones de Programmation Logique et Programmation par Contraintes (JFPLC 2002)}, year={2002}, address={Nice} }
@InProceedings{voltaire02, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Estimation d'\'etat de syst\`emes non-lin\'eaires \`a temps continus par une approche ensembliste}, booktitle={Conf\'erence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique}, year={2002}, address={Nantes, 8-10 juillet} }
@InProceedings{BraemsCifa02, author={I. Braems and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and E. Walter}, title={Identifiabilit\'es, discernabilit\'es et analyse par intervalles}, booktitle={Conf\'erence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique}, year={2002}, address={Nantes, 8-10 juillet} }
@InProceedings{cocos02, author={L. Jaulin}, title={Consistency techniques for the localization of a satellite}, booktitle={1st International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction (Cocos'02)}, year={2002}, address={Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis (Nice), France. October 2-4.} }
@ARTICLE{Braems00, author={I. Braems and F. Berthier and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and E. Walter}, year=2001, title={Guaranteed Estimation of Electrochemical Parameters by Set Inversion Using Interval Analysis}, journal={Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry}, volume=495, number=1, pages={1-9}, }
@ARTICLE{JaulinMotionRC, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2001, title={{Path Planning Using Intervals and Graphs}}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume=7, pages={1--15}, number=1 }
@ARTICLE{JaulinMinimaxRC01, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2001, title={Reliable minimax parameter estimation}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume=7, pages={231-246}, number=3 }
@ARTICLE{JaulinKiefferBraemsWalterObserver, author={L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and I. Braems and E. Walter}, year=2001, title={Guaranteed Nonlinear Estimation Using Constraint Propagation on Sets}, journal={International Journal of Control}, volume=74, number=18, pages={1772-1782} }
@ARTICLE{WalterJaulin2001, author={E. Walter and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer}, year=2001, title={Interval Analysis for guaranteed and robust nonlinear estimation in robotics}, journal={Nonlinear Analysis}, volume=47, pages={191-202} }
@InProceedings{JaulinJime01, author={L. Jaulin}, title={{Propagation de contraintes sur les intervalles ; application \`a l'estimation \`a erreurs born\'ees}}, booktitle={JIME'01 (Journ\'ees Identification et Mod\'elisation Exp\'erimentale)}, year={2001}, address={Nancy (France)} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{RatschanJaulinERCIM01, author={S. Ratschan and L. Jaulin}, year=2001, title={Solving Composed First-Order Constraints From Discrete-Time Robust Control}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Workshop of the ERCIM working group on constraints}, address={Prague} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Nolcos2001, author={M. Kieffer and E. Walter and I. Braems and L. Jaulin}, year=2001, title={Interval analysis for nonlinear parameter and state estimation: contributions and limitations}, booktitle={IFAC symposium on nonlinear and control systems (NOLCOS),}, address={Saint Petersburg} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{granvil_S3P2001, author={L. Granvilliers and L. Jaulin}, year=2001, title={Introduction aux contraintes d'intervalles ; Application \`a l'estimation \`a erreurs born\'ees}, booktitle={Journ\'ees S3P Simulation de Produits, de Proc\'ed\'es et de Processus industriels}, address={} }
@inproceedings{BraemsCDC01, author={I. Braems and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and E. Walter}, title="Guaranteed numerical alternatives to structural identifiability testing", booktitle="In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", address="Orlando", volume=4, pages={3122-3127}, year=2001 }
@inproceedings{granular01, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, title="Bounded-error parameter estimation using interval computation", booktitle="in W. Pedrycz, Granular Computing: An Emerging Paradigm, series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, edited by Witold Pedrycz", address="Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg", pages={58-71}, year=2001 }
@INBOOK{KiefferScan00, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and I. Braems and E. Walter}, editor={W. Kraemer and J.W. Gudenberg}, year=2001, title={Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods, Proceedings of {SCAN} 2000}, chapter={Guaranteed Set Computation with Subpavings}, pages={167-178}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers} }
@INBOOK{JaulinScan01, author={L. Jaulin and I. Braems and M. Kieffer and E. Walter}, editor={W. Kraemer and J.W. Gudenberg}, year=2001, title={Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods, Proceedings of {SCAN} 2000}, chapter={Nonlinear State Estimation Using Forward-Backward Propagation of Intervals}, pages={191-204}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers} }
@INBOOK{BraemsScan00, author={I. Braems and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and E. Walter}, editor={W. Kraemer and J.W. Gudenberg}, year=2001, title={Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods, Proceedings of {SCAN} 2000}, chapter={Set Computation, computation of Volumes and Data Safety}, pages={267-280}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers} }
@INBOOK{BraemsScan00, author={I. Braems and F. Berthier and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer and E. Walter}, editor={F. Lepoutre, D. Placko and Y. Surrel}, year=2001, title={Estimation et traitement garanti des incertitudes de mesure: applications en \'electrochimie}, chapter={C2I 2001, Paris (France). Instrumentation pour les mesures physiques}, pages={55-62}, publisher={Herm\`es Science Publications, Paris} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinCHI99, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter and O. L{\'e}v{\^e}que and D. Meizel}, year=2000, title={Set {I}nversion for $\Chi$-Algorithms, with Application to Guaranteed Robot Localization}, journal="Mathematics and Computers in Simulation", volume=52, number={3-4}, pages={197-210} }
@ARTICLE{Kieffer00RIRelComp, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, year=2000, title={Robust Autonomous Robot Localization Using Interval Analysis}, journal={Reliable Computing}, volume=6, number=3, pages={337-362} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinHullAutomatica99, author={L. Jaulin}, year=2000, title={Interval Constraint Propagation with Application to Bounded-Error estimation}, journal={Automatica}, volume=36, number=10, pages={1547-1552} }
@ARTICLE{Kieffer01TS, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, year=2000, title={Localisation et Suivi Robustes D'un Robot Mobile Gr\^ace \`A L'analyse Par Intervalles}, journal={Traitement du Signal}, volume=17, number=3, pages={207-219} }
@ARTICLE{Brahim00, author={S. Brahim-Belhouari and M. Kieffer and G. Fleury and L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=2000, title={Model Selection via Worst-Case Criterion for Nonlinear Bounded-Error Estimation}, booktitle={16th {IEEE} Instrumentation and Measurement Tech. Conf.}, journal={{IEEE} Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement}, volume=49, number=3, pages={653-658}, address={Venice, Italy}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{KiefferSysid2000, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, year=2000, title={Robust autonomous robot tracking using interval analysis}, booktitle={Symposium On System Identification {SYSID'00}}, }
@InProceedings{Walter:Jaulin:Kieffer2000, author={E. Walter and L. Jaulin and M. Kieffer}, title={Interval Analysis for guaranteed and robust nonlinear estimation in robotics}, booktitle={Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts}, year={2000} }
@ARTICLE{jury99, author={L. Jaulin and J. Burger}, year=1999, title={{Proving set inclusion via intervals: Application to parametric robust stability}}, journal={Automatica}, volume=35, number=4 }
@ARTICLE{JaulinBoimond99, author={L. Jaulin and J. L. Boimond and L. Hardouin}, year=1999, title={Estimation of discrete-event systems using interval computation}, journal={Reliable Computing}, pages={165-173} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinBadtime99, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1999, title={Guaranteed Bounded-Error Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear Models with Uncertain Experimental Factors}, journal={Automatica}, volume=35, number=5, pages={849-856} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{KiefferMISC99, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, year={1999}, title={Guaranteed Mobile Robot Tracking Using Interval Analysis}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the MISC'99 Workshop on Applications of Interval Analysis to Systems and Control}, pages={347-359}, address={Girona, Spain} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JaulinGodon99, author={L. Jaulin and A. Godon}, year=1999, title={Motion planning using interval analysis}, booktitle={Proceedings of the MISC'99 Workshop on Applications of Interval Analysis to Systems and Control}, pages={335-346}, address={Girona, Spain} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{BrahimVenise99, author={S. Brahim-Belhouari and M. Kieffer and G. Fleury and L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1999, title={Model selection via worst-case criterion for nonlinear bounded-error estimation}, booktitle={Proceedings 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Tech. Conf.}, pages={1075-1080}, address={Venise, 24-26 mai 1999} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{KiefferJDA99, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, year=1999, title={Localisation et Suivi Garantis D'un Robot Par Analyse Par Intervalles}, booktitle={{Journ\'ees Doctorales d'Automatique, JDA'99}} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{KiefferSienne99, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter and D. Meizel}, editor={A. Garulli and A. Tesi and A. Vicino}, year=1999, title={Nonlinear Identification Based on Unreliable Priors and Data, with Application to Robot Localization}, booktitle={Robustness in Identification and Control}, pages={190-203}, volume={LNCIS 245}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, address={London, UK} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Kieffer98CDC, author={M. Kieffer and L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1998, title={Guaranteed Recursive Nonlinear State Estimation Using Interval Analysis}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th {IEEE} Conference on Decision and Control}, pages={3966-3971}, address={Tampa, FL} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinDiscretControlIEEE, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1997, title={Global Numerical Approach to Nonlinear Discrete-Time Control}, journal={"IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control"}, volume=42, number=6, pages={872-875} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinGodet97, author={L. Jaulin and J. L. Godet and E. Walter and A. Elliasmine and Y. Leduff}, year=1997, title={Light scattering data analysis via set inversion}, journal={Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General}, pages={7733-7738} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Leveque97, author={O. L{\'e}v{\^e}que and L. Jaulin and D. Meizel and E. Walter}, year=1997, title={Vehicule localization from inaccurate telemetric data: a set inversion approach}, booktitle={Proceedings of 5th {IFAC} Symposium on Robot Control {SY.RO.CO.}'97}, volume=1, pages={179-186}, address={Nantes, France} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinWalterTuning96, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1996, title={Guaranteed tuning, with application to robust control and motion planning}, journal={Automatica}, volume=32, number=8, pages={1217-1221} }
@INBOOK{JaulinBookMilanese96, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, editor={M. Milanese and J. Norton and H. Piet-Lahanier and E. Walter}, year=1996, title={Bounding {A}pproaches to {S}ystem {I}dentification}, chapter={Guaranteed nonlinear set estimation via interval analysis}, pages={363-382}, publisher={Plenum} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JaulinCESA96, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter and O. Didrit}, year={1996}, title={Guaranteed robust nonlinear parameter bounding}, booktitle={Proceedings of {CESA'96} {IMACS} Multiconference (Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation)}, volume=2, pages={1156-1161}, address={Lille, France} }
@ARTICLE{EJC95, author={O. Didrit and L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1995, title={Guaranteed Analysis and Optimization of Parametric Systems, with Application to their Stability Degree}, journal={European Journal of Control}, volume=3, number=1, pages={68-80} }
@ARTICLE{WalterJaulin94, author={E. Walter and L. Jaulin}, year=1994, title={Guaranteed characterization of stability domains via set inversion}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, volume={39}, number=4, pages={886-889} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinWalterIntervalComp94, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1993, title={Guaranteed nonlinear parameter estimation via interval computations}, journal={Interval Computation}, pages={61-75} }
@INBOOK{JaulinBookKurzhanski94, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, editor={A.B. Kurzhanski, V.M. Veliov}, year=1994, title={Modeling Techniques for Uncertain Systems}, chapter={Set Inversion, with Application to Guaranteed Nonlinear Estimation and Robust Control}, pages={3-20}, publisher={Birkh{\"a}user} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinMCS93, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1993, title={Guaranteed nonlinear parameter estimation from bounded-error data via interval analysis}, journal="Mathematics and Computers in Simulation", volume=35, number=2, pages={123-137} }
@ARTICLE{JaulinWalter93SetInvAutom, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, title={Set inversion via interval analysis for nonlinear bounded-error estimation}, journal={Automatica}, volume = {29}, number = {4}, pages = {1053--1064}, year = {1993}, doi = {10.1016/0005-1098(93)90106-4}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Jaulin93p, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1993, title={Guaranteed nonlinear estimation and robust stability analysis via set inversion}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd European Control Conference}, pages={818--821} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JaulinLafayette93, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1993, title={Guaranteed Nonlinear Parameter Estimation Via Interval Computations}, booktitle={Conference on Numerical Analysis with Automatic Result Verification}, address={Lafayette} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{JaulinSopron92, author={L. Jaulin and E. Walter}, year=1992, title={Set inversion, with application to guaranteed nonlinear estimation and robust control}, booktitle={Workshop on Modelling Techniques for Uncertain Systems}, address={Sopron, July 6-10} }