Range-only SLAM with occupancy maps

Luc Jaulin

This microsite presents an educational and easy-to-use windows program to help the reader of the paper
Range-only SLAM with occupancy maps; A set-membership approach, IEEE- Transactions on Robotics, Vol 27, no 5, 2011.

The objective is to understand the principle of the omnidirectional range-only pose-based SLAM approach.

Download all files (builder C++ code + exe + data files). Unzip into a folder. Run the program dig_slam.exe (Windows).

Testcase 1 corresponds to the testcase treated in the paper (the input data file is data1.txt).
Testcase 2 is the second test case (the input data file is data2.txt).
The program generates bmp files as output.

If you want to test your own testcase, modify the file data1.txt or data2.txt.

Download a simulator to generate your own data.txt files (exe and C++ code). Modify the files auv.txt and controler.txt to change the AUV, the characteristics of the map and the waypoints of the trajectory.

Download a C++ QT version of the source codes.