
This page is dedicated to the bio medical activities at ENSTA Bretagne and is under construction.

The listed projects are from Ali Mansour (web) and Benoit Clement

Past Projects

RIKEN at Nagoya -Japan (1999)

  • ECG filtering

Curtin University at Perth (Australia) - (2 MSc and 2 PhD) (2008-2010)

  • Filtrage et classification des signaux EMG,

  • Etude des signaux EEG,

  • Controle d’un ordinateur par les signaux EEG ;

  • Detection des crises epilepsies en utilisant les signaux EEG.


  • TM6 : Test de Marche de 6 min instrumente (Poster in French)

  • Handivoile is a project that helps disabled people to sail with a joystick and a smartphone interface;

CHRU at Brest

  • MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) regulation (1 Master Project)

Currents Projects

CHRU at Brest (since 2012)

  • ECHOGUIDAGE : simulation of Locoregional anesthesia (Master Project and 1 PhD). In partnership with two anaesthetists from Brest and a medicine student who will use our production in his thesis, the project named EchoGuidage consists in building an ultrasound simulator. Indeed, according to one of the doctors, there is a real lack of performing simulators in the field of locoregional anaesthesia. Locoregional anaesthesia is the medical speciality in which the doctor detects a nerve with an ultrasound, and then inserts a needle close enough to the nerve to anaesthetizes it. Though there are still some products available on the market, they are not satisfying and developed enough, compared to what exists in other medical fields. It is thus hard for students to train and practice anaesthesia. Detecting a needle on an ultrasound picture, and then injecting the anaesthetizing, is an arduous task that requires a lot of experience. Hence, the purpose of the project is to build an effective simulator that would highly benefit students, by providing them with a reliable tool, that allows them to practice their speciality, without risking a patient’s health. The project is divided into three main parts. The first one aims to create the synchronisation between the movements of the probe and the pictures displayed on the screen. Then, in the second part, the insertion of the needle on the screen is to be added. Finally, during the third and last part, the injection of the fluid, the anaesthetizing, will be implemented in the simulator.

  • wireless ECG : prototyping an ECG system reducing the wires (Master Project and 2 PhD)

  • Detection et classification d'un caillot sanguin dans une veine par des signaux acoustiques (electrographie - elestographie) (1PhD)

Recent Publications

  • P. Aries, K. Bensafia, A. Mansour, B. Clement, J.L. Vincent, and B.V. Nguyen. Design and evaluation of a wireless electrocardiogram monitor in an operating room : A pilot study. Anesthesia and Analgesia (accepted for publication).

  • K. Bensafia, A. Mansour, G. Le Maillot, B. Clement, O. Reynet, P. Ariès and S. Haddab, Wireless Based System for the Continuous Electrocardiography Monitoring during Surgery, ICBSAT 2017: International Conference on Biomedical Signal Analysis Technology, Oct 19-20, 2017, Paris, France (pdf)

  • Ph. Aries, O. Reynet, B. Clement and V. Nguyen. Another stone to the edifice of wireless anesthesia. Anesthesia & Analgesia, Vol 123, 4, 2016.