
Montaine, naval architect

05 September 2024
Montaine a achevé ce début septembre sa formation à l’ENSTA Bretagne avec sa soutenance de projet de fin d’étude portant sur un navire de croisière en zone polaire 0 émission. A cette occasion, elle revient sur ses années d’études en architecture navale et ses expériences à l’international qui ont jalonné son parcours pendant 4 ans.
Naval Architect
cap vert 2 montaine

What is your background ?

I joined ENSTA Bretagne in September 2020 after having completed an intensive degree course ("Licence parcours renforcé") at the University of Poitiers, with which ENSTA Bretagne has a partnership. I found out about the school through this intermediary. I've always had a strong connection with the sea, which is why I decided to study naval and offshore architecture. In my 2nd year, I did an internship with J&J Design, a naval architecture firm in Slovenia, where I was involved in drawing up plans for fluid systems. I loved this country and its magnificent landscapes. I then decided to take a gap year between my second and third years to travel and discover new cultures and landscapes.

capt vert montaine

What stood out about your time at ENSTA Bretagne ?

As head of prevention for the Students' Union and a member of the Foy’z (the students’ common room), I had the opportunity to get involved in school life. These two experiences enabled me to take on responsibilities and interact with different profiles. During meetings, it was important to find consensus while being persuasive and adapting to each individual.

On the other hand, I've learned a lot about myself through my travels. When you're far away from it all, you think a lot, and that's when you see what's important in your life, and get to know yourself better.

From an academic standpoint, I liked the naval architecture course, especially the final year where the ship and sailboat subjects are applied, tangible projects.

What was your end-of-study project about, and what were its challenges ?

I decided to do my end-of-study project in a Ship-ST naval design office based in Lorient. I was a "junior engineer" during this internship and was able to handle studies in quite different fields (hydrodynamics, seakeeping, stability and naval architecture). I also had the chance to visit several shipyards.

My main assignment was related to a cruise ship designed to sail in the polar regions with a zero-carbon emissions target. In particular, I worked on developing calculation methods for assessing balancing times after a failure. I was able to carry out various CFD simulations, in particular to calculate pressure losses. I also studied the ship's seakeeping to predict its behavior under swell conditions.

What are your plans for the future ?

I really enjoyed the internship and was offered a fixed-term contract, so I'm staying on for another 6 months.

Do you have any advice for students who have just started their first year ?

I loved my student years at ENSTA Bretagne so I would advise students to make the most of every moment because it goes by so quickly!

And above all, feel free to seize opportunities and go abroad: behind every unexpected event lies a wonderful surprise!