ENSTA Bretagne : équipe de la junior-entreprise IMPACT pour le mandat 2024

Impact, ENSTA Bretagne’s Junior Enterprise

Junior IMPACT is an association under Law 1901, which is entirely managed and staffed by ENSTA Bretagne students.
Junior Impact

Junior IMPACT is ENSTA Bretagne’s Junior-Enterprise, part of the Junior-Enterprise Movement (CNJE). It enables students to complete studies and projects for companies, so as to go further with their studies and gain hands-on experience.

For example, the projects could be market studies or polls, the design of electronic route cards, the creation of websites and so on. The students thus complete their training and discover the different activities of engineers. 

If the members of IMPACT manage the association voluntarily, the students of ENSTA Bretagne who carry out the studies are paid.
You can contact them to complete missions in the following fields:

Structural studies
Pre-studies of mechanical parts
Complex system design
Deformation analysis
Fluid mechanics simulations
Pyrotechnic simulations

  • Software used : CATIA (V5), Rhinocéros, AMESim, SAMCEF, BOSS 


Automatic electronics

Perception of the environment
Automobile electronics
Airborne and submarine instrumentation
Electronic simulation
Software modeling
Software validation
State machine studies
Circuit patterns and analysis

  • Software used: Quartus, FlowCode, Abacus, MPLAB Microship, FEKO, AVR, FACE 2.2, ISIS

Digital terrain modeling
Digital image processing
Digital signal processing

  • Software used : Matlab, Scilab, Fledermaus, Caris (Hips, Gis), Geosoft, Geovecteur
  • Réalisation de conceptions et de simulations
  • Etude de flottabilité
  • Etude de structure
  • Etude de stabilité
  • Dimensionnement
  • Réalisation et lecture de plans
    >>> Langages et logiciels utilisés : Abaqus, Fine Marine, Hexpress, StarCCM+, Rhino 3D, GHS, Poseidon, NavCad, Mars 2000, QShip..
  • Conception de sites internet vitrines ou marchands
  • Gestion de bases de données
  • Développement de logiciels
    >>> Langages et logiciels utilisés : Python, Java, C, HTML, PHP, SQL, Matlab, ASM... Rhapsody, GitHub, terminal avec les outils de commande (BASH, Powershell, ...)

Events/memorable moments during the year

  • Participation in the ENGIE Award for Best Partner in Higher Education in 2023
  • RFP (Recruitment – Training – Handoff) at the start of the new school year
  • Regional and National Congress of the CNJE (Junior-Enterprise National Confederation)

Latest awards/activities

  • Participation au Prix ENGIE du Meilleur Partenaire de l’Enseignement Supérieur 2023


  • Navys
  • BNP
  • JEF


President of the IMPACT association
+33 (0)6 51 88 04 62