ENSTA Bretagne : accueil d'un groupe d'étudiants européens lors d'une semaine de cours sur les énergies marines renouvelables organisée par BEST ENSTA Bretagne

International Association

In this section, we introduce you to the BEST ENSTA Bretagne Association which is part of the European BEST Network. Nevertheless, other associations have international connections. The Robotics Club for example, regularly takes part in European and international challenges.
ENSTA Bretagne : BEST devient baby member


The « BEST ENSTA Bretagne » student association is a local group of the « Board of European Students of Technology ». There are branches in 32 European countries. 

In France, only 6 graduate schools belong.

This network encourages meetings between European students, by organizing different, original, attractive  events which are financially accessible.

Many “courses” are organized throughout Europe for technology students. Generally taking place over a week, and at a very reasonable price, these seminars are composed of practical lessons/workshops on the scientific themes associated with a cultural program which enables the discovery of the city hosting the workshops.

Created in 2018, ENSTA Bretagne organized its first course at the end of 2019, on marine renewable energies.

As well as seminars, local events are regularly organized on campus.

Members of the association also take part in BEST life : elections for the international bureau, refinement of the texts that govern the structure, voting etc.


Student Association