ENSTA Bretagne : formation d'ingénieur
Julien Ogor

ECTS Grading system

ENSTA Bretagne uses the ECTS grading system. As stated by the European Commission and in the Bologna Process, ECTS credits represent the workload and defined learning outcomes ("what the individual knows, understands and is able to do") of a given course or programme.

60 credits are the equivalent of a full year of study or work. In a standard academic year, 60 credits would be usually broken down into several smaller components.

A typical "first cycle" (or Bachelor's) Degree, consists of 180 credits, whereas a typical "second cycle" (or Master's) Degree, consists of 120 credits.

ENSTA Bretagne’s Engineering Programme involves 30 ECTS per semester and 60 ECTS per year, the Engineering Diploma corresponding to a third year of BSc (=60 ECTS) followed by the equivalent of a Master’s Degree (=120 ECTS).


The ECTS Grading scale

The grade distribution table below shows how the existing institutional scale is being used. It represents the statistical distribution of positive grades (pass and above) awarded in each field of study

ECTS Grade % of successful students normally achieving the grade Definition  
B 30 % VERY GOOD Above average standards, with minor errors
C 30 % GOOD Generally sound work, with some errors
D 15 % SATISFACTORY Fair, but with significant shortcomings
E 5 % SUFFICIENT Performance meets minimum criteria
FX   FAIL Extra work required before credit can be awarded
F   FAIL Considerable further work is required; involves re-attendance of classes

Local Grades

Local Grades are awarded on a scale of 0-20 (pass mark 10)

Local Grades Definition
16≤n<18 VERY GOOD
14≤n<16 GOOD
Below 10 FAIL