The aim of the « ENSTA Bretagne Pom-Pom and Pim-Pim » is to represent the school through dancing and cheerleading, during internal school events and also external events (the ball, sports events…).
#Unity, #Friendship #Dedication
Chinese Portrait:
If the association were…
- A film: it would be Toy Story, you only progress if you help each other !
- An animal: it would be an ant, as ants need each other to live and join in the group effort
- A famous person: it would be Virginie Guyot
The club consists of many (pom-pom) girls and also (pim-pim) boys.
Events/memorable moments in the year:
- The school ball
- The International Morning
- The Open Day
- Ovalies
During the school ball, the club put on a show for over 800 people !