Push-up challenge: for one week, students did a total of 122 push-ups, each corresponding to the number of feminicides recorded as of 17/11/24 since the beginning of the year in France. The aim of the challenge was to both raise awareness of all feminicides and also pay tribute to the women who have died. This action also aimed to free people up to speak out and raise awareness of support services.
Two afternoon workshops for students were organized to raise awareness, understand and deconstruct gender stereotypes.
The first one, for men only, was designed to raise awareness of gender equality. For two hours, the participants discovered the key concepts of equality to enable them to become allies for their companions, sisters, friends...
The second one brought together students on the theme of stereotypes. The aim was not to make these stereotypes disappear, but to enable participants to better apprehend and recognize them, and not let them govern their choices.
Finally, on Monday November 25, students and staff met in the main hall for a snack allowing them to discover an exhibition on subjects including consent and violence. They were also able to discover the consentometer, a tool that classifies violent and disrespectful behavior in student life. A press review was also distributed to share the latest articles on this theme.
To mark the occasion, the media library also presented a selection of magazines, books and studies on the subject.
Combating discrimination: a day to day task
Throughout the year, initiatives are taken to prevent and eliminate sexist and sexual violence and discrimination. Find out about other initiatives to promote inclusion and combat discrimination on campus.