ENSTA Bretagne : signer le contrat d'alternance
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ENSTA Bretagne and EURENCO are cementing their ties in training and R&D

ENSTA Bretagne
Pyrotechnics & Propulsion
EURENCO, a leading company for explosives, propellants and combustible items, and ENSTA Bretagne, an engineering school with dual activities, are cementing their ties in training and R&D with a view to designing the energetic materials of tomorrow.

Sharing common expertise in energetic materials, pyrotechnics and the design of weapons systems, the EURENCO Group and ENSTA Bretagne engineering school are preparing for the future by forging an extensive partnership encompassing initial training, continuing professional development and research.

ENSTA Bretagne’s teaching and research in pyrotechnics are unique in France and of paramount interest to the EURENCO Group. Forming the cornerstone of this partnership are the themes of pyrotechnics, detonics and, more broadly, design engineering of complex systems and project management. 

The main objectives being pursued from 2021 are:

  • to prepare future engineers for the industry’s needs by inviting EURENCO experts to contribute to the teaching of ENSTA Bretagne’s pyrotechnics modules,
  • to help keep the skills of EURENCO’s workforce at the highest level through access to the continuing professional development courses administered at ENSTA Bretagne,
  • to expedite the emergence of disruptive technologies by developing research-led training and combining the strength of both EURENCO and ENSTA Bretagne’s experimental resources and labs.
ENSTA Bretagne : signature d'un partenariat ENSTA Bretagne / Eurenco

Thierry Francou, CEO of EURENCO:

"In a fast-changing world, it is crucial that EURENCO stays at the top of the game with cutting-edge skills. We also need to leverage collective intelligence and collaborative working so as to drive forward the disruptive technologies and innovations that will enable us to retain our leadership in our field. I am delighted to sign this partnership between the EURENCO Group and ENSTA Bretagne which, I am convinced, will provide a springboard for taking up tomorrow’s challenges."

ENSTA Bretagne : Signature d'un nouveau partenariat industriel

Bruno Gruselle, Director of ENSTA Bretagne:

ENSTA Bretagne is honored to engage in this partnership with an authoritative industry leader in pyrotechnics and armaments. Thanks to our cooperation, we can uphold high ambitions for the future of the French industry, for the young engineers who will be joining it and to develop innovative scientific projects in fields of interest to EURENCO. 

Half of ENSTA Bretagne’s activities concern innovation in the defense industry, in training and research alike. Incidentally, alumni from our school are at the helm of many defense companies. EURENCO is a case in point, as former students there – first and foremost Thierry Francou – nurture invaluable connections with the school."