ENSTA Bretagne : remise du prix de thèse DGA 2021 à Thomas Le Mézo, docteur et enseignant-chercheur à l'ENSTA Bretagne
© AID, DGA, ministère des Armées

DGA thesis prize awarded to Thomas Le Mézo for his research work in robotics

On Friday November 26, Florence Parly, Minister for the Armed Forces, awarded three DGA 2021 thesis prizes: research work that stands out for the excellence of its work, including that of Thomas Le Mézo, an ENSTA Bretagne PhD.

The DGA thesis prize, a way to promote excellence

Initiated in 2002, the DGA thesis prize aims to reward young PhDs who have received funding from the DGA for the excellence of their work. It is awarded jointly by the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

The 2021 edition was held on Friday November 16. The 3 thesis prizes were awarded by Florence Parly, Minister for the Armed Forces.


ENSTA Bretagne : tests en mer d'un robot sous-marin
© Simon Rohou, ENSTA Bretagne

The work of Thomas Le Mézo, PhD, a teacher/researcher at ENSTA Bretagne, receives an award

Thomas' thesis, conducted in the Lab-STICC / ENSTA Bretagne, is entitled “Bracketing largest invariant sets of dynamical systems: an application to drifting underwater robots in ocean currents”.

A presentation (in French) of his work and its challenges is given in the above video.

Thomas Le Mézo

ENSTA Bretagne : projet étudiants en robotique avec Ulysse
© Simon Rohou, ENSTA Bretagne

Robotics, ENSTA Bretagne expertise with a global reach

Robotics, and more particularly marine and underwater robotics, is one of ENSTA Bretagne's flagship research topics. The Lab-STICC team works on topics of localization, coordination and control of systems in complex environments.

Several training courses (engineer course and MSc course) in mobile autonomous robotics are also offered on the campus. It has many applications (agricultural, maritime, transport, space exploration, etc.).

La robotique, et plus particulièrement la robotique marine et sous-marine, est un thème de recherche phare de l'ENSTA Bretagne. L'équipe, rattachée au Lab-STICC, se positionne sur les thématiques de la localisation, de la coordination, du contrôle des systèmes dans des environnements complexes.

Plusieurs formations (formation d'ingénieurs et master) en robotique autonome mobile sont également dispensées sur le campus. Les applications sont nombreuses (domaines agricole, maritime, transports, exploration spatiale...).