What is the role of Meet2050?
Established on the initiative of the French Maritime Cluster (CMF), the MEET2050 Institute intends, via the "Zero-Emission Ports & Ships" program, to draw up an initial assessment and identify the drivers for decarbonizing maritime transport as well as funding.
The Institute seeks to be a center of expertise by bringing together transition experts from different backgrounds (business, academia, research and laboratories), for overseeing the program and uniting all of the stakeholders in the maritime value chain in a bid to coordinate efforts and become the driving force behind the necessary steps for accelerating the decarbonization of the maritime sector.
ENSTA Bretagne, a strategic partner of Meet2050
Since the Institute’s inception in July 2023, its seven founding strategic partners have committed to jointly developing and governing MEET2050. ENSTA Bretagne is one of these strategic partners, alongside TotalEnergies, Bureau Veritas, Centrale Nantes, ENSTA Paris, Sogestran and Ponant.
Last summer, ENSTA Bretagne welcomed Jean-François Sigrist, co-founder and scientific director of MEET2050, for a visit to meet with students and research teams. During the presentation of the research being conducted on campus, emphasis was given to the subject of decarbonization with mention of various projects led by Ingéblue (e.g.: the SHIVA and RDPROP projects on the development of new methods for propellant design and the SOMOS project dedicated to the design and operation of wind-powered vessels).
At the start of this 2023/2024 academic year, MEET2050 already suggested study projects for students in connection with the decarbonization of maritime transport. New training and research partnerships are in the pipeline for 2024.
2024 is shaping up to be a decisive year for MEET2050 and the sector at large. During the French National Conference for the Maritime Economy (Assises de la Mer) on November 28 in Nantes, Emmanuel Macron announced a €1.5bn fund for research on the oceans and deep seabed, port modernization and the decarbonization of maritime transport. These are major challenges in which ENSTA Bretagne is poised to play its part by leading the national maritime engineering network "Ingéblue", which is contributing to the performance of the French maritime engineering sector to meet key global economic and ecological issues.