ENSTA Bretagne : Semaine étudiante du développement durable (SEDD) à Brest

Student Sustainable Development Week

Student Life
ENSTA Bretagne
From 1 to 7 April, ENSTA Bretagne proposes a wide range of activities for the Student Sustainable Development Week.
ENSTA Bretagne : calendrier de la semaine étudiante du développement durable du 1er au 7 avril 2019

ENSTA Bretagne is fully committed to sustainable development and social responsibility throughout the year. A special program of events has been drawn up for the Student Sustainable Development Week (or SEDD in French). Some events will take place on campus , others in the Sustainable Development Objectives (or ODD in French) village in downtown Brest.

Program for the Student Sustainable Development Week : 1 to 7 April 2019

In the run-up to the week

  • Thursday 28 March : 18.30 to 21.00 in the Brest city center bars (La Maison Bleue, Les Tontons Zingueurs, Le Boucan) : inter-establishment student challenge « the Great Sustainable Development Quiz »
  • Sunday 31 March at 20.30 in the Foyer des Elèves (students’ common room) on campus at ENSTA Bretagne: documentary film Demain by Cyril Dion

Monday 1 April

  • Monday 1 April 12.00 to 14.00 in the gymnasium : “Qi gong” sport and well-being workshop for students and personnel of ENSTA Bretagne. Register in advance.
  • Monday 1 April 18.00 to 20.00 in Amphi 1: Lecture on “Pollution Numérique” by Jonathan Schaeffer, Associate Professor at the University of Grenoble.

Thursday 4 April

  • Thursday 4 April, Place de la Liberté in Brest : ODD village – Presentation of actions led by 4 student associations and clubs of ENSTA Bretagne : Citoyens Solidaires, Eco-Marathon Shell, ENACTUS ENSTA Bretagne (and its ENSTAQUA project) and Hydros Paris Brest (HydroContest challenge).

Throughout the week

  • Installation of a bookcase in the ENSTA Bretagne cafeteria. Made by students of the Citoyens Solidaires Association of ENSTA Bretagne, from a secondhand wardrobe that they repurposed, this bookcase is for the use of all the students and personnel. Everyone can leave books there that they no longer need for other people to read. The bookcase will remain in the cafeteria permanently, even after the Student Sustainable Development Week.
  • From Monday 1 April : Exhibition of books in the multimedia library on the themes of the Student Sustainable Development Week.
  • From 1 to 5 April: Survey on ENSTA Bretagne catering (local and/or organic food, packaging…) led by the Citoyens Solidaires Association.