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Field(s) of application
  • Research
  • IT
  • Defense and Security
  • Optimization
  • Robust control
  • Signal processing
  • Global optimization
  • Sparse optimization
  • Blackbox optimization
  • Interval Analysis
Research missions presentation
Jordan Ninin is an associate professor at ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France. He is a member of the team MATRIX of the Lab-STICC in France and he is an associate member of the research group GERAD in Canada. He received his master's degree from the engineering school ENSEEIHT in France in 2007 and his Ph.D degree in applied mathematics and computer science in 2010 from the University of Toulouse. His research deals with exact global optimization algorithms with applications to a wide variety of problem from robotic, synthesis of robust control laws, optimal design of polygons and signal processing. He specializes in the modeling and mathematical programming of non-linear problems. He also works on the links between law and artificial intelligence.
Most recent publications

Techniques for accelerating Branch-and-Bound algorithms dedicated to sparse optimization

Gwenaël Samain, Sébastien Bourguignon, Jordan Ninin

Optimization Methods and Software, 2023, pp.1-38. ⟨10.1080/10556788.2023.2241154⟩

Un algorithme branch-and-bound pour résoudre exactement des problèmes d'optimisation parcimonieuse structurée

Gwenaël Samain, Sébastien Bourguignon, Jordan Ninin

24ème édition du congrès ROADEF, Recherche Opérationnelle et de l'Aide à la Décision en France, Feb 2023, Rennes, France

Techniques d'accélération d'une méthode de Branch-and-bound pour l'optimisation parcimonieuse

Gwenaël Samain, Sébastien Bourguignon, Jordan Ninin

GRETSI'22 XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Sep 2022, Nancy, France

Techniques for accelerating branch-and-bound algorithms dedicated to sparse optimization

Gwenaël Samain, Sébastien Bourguignon, Jordan Ninin

EUROPT 19th Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Jul 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal

Using artificial intelligence for improving the interoperability : A case-study concerning the legal response to sexist offences in France

Jean-Marc Hausman, Laurène Mazeau, Jordan Ninin

The Role of Courts and Access to Justice in a Digital Era, Jun 2022, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Associated contacts