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Field(s) of application
  • Research
  • Naval & offshore
  • Aeronautics and space
  • Defense and Security
Most recent publications

Estimating Fatigue Life of Carbon-Epoxy Composites: A Rapid Method coupling Thermo-Mechanical Analysis and Residual Strength

Kilian Demilly, Jeanne Cavoit, Yann Marco, Gurvan Moreau, Guillaume Dolo, Nicolas Carrere

Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2024, 47 (6), pp.1856-1867. ⟨10.1111/ffe.14254⟩

Fatigue life of carbon-epoxy laminated composites: combining thermo-mechanical analysis and residual strength model

Kilian Demilly, Yann Marco, Vincent Le Saux, Guillaume Dolo, Emilien Billaudeau, Yannick Pannier, Mathias Riou, Nicolas Carrere

25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France