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Teaching missions presentation

Mechanics of solids
Mechanical behaviour and failure of materials
Finite element method
Numerical implementation of behaviour laws

Research missions presentation

Characterisation and modelling of the thermomechanical behaviour and fatigue of organic materials (short or long fibre-reinforced organic matrix composites, polymer foams, etc.)

Most recent publications

Statistical characterization of microcellular polyurethane foams microstructure based on 2D and 3D image analysis

Matthieu Le Saux, Jean-Baptiste Le Bail, Justin Becker, Célia Caër, Pierre Charrier, Vincent Le Saux, Laurent Maheo, Yann Marco

Journal of Cellular Plastics, 2023, 59 (5-6), pp.395-417. ⟨10.1177/0021955X231215773⟩

Compressive fatigue of carbon fibers/epoxy laminate: an approach combining residual strength and self-heating

Otavio Zimmermann de Almeida, Nicolas Carrère, Matthieu Le Saux, Sylvie Castagnet, Gurvan Moreau, Yann Marco

International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2023), Jul 2023, Belfast, Ireland

Fatigue of short carbon fiber reinforced PEEK under compression: Influence of the load ratio and predictions from heat buildup measurements

Vanessa Kwiatkowski, Matthieu Le Saux, Vincent Le Saux, Sylvain Leclercq, Yann Marco

Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2023, 46 (7), pp.2396-2410. ⟨10.1111/ffe.14003⟩

Combined techniques and relevant image processing for quantitative statistical characterization of inclusions in elastomers

Thomas Glanowski, Matthieu Le Saux, V. Le Saux, Bertrand Huneau, Clément Champy, Pierre Charrier, Yann Marco

Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 2023, 96 (1), pp.59-89. ⟨10.5254/rct.22.22970⟩

Study of the evolution of stresses and associated mechanisms in zirconia growing at high temperature on Zircaloy-4 by use of synchrotron radiation

Adam Bouayoune, Raphaelle Guillou, Jean-Luc Bechade, Elodie Rouesne, Dominique Thiaudière, Jean-Luc Grosseau Poussard, Benoit Panicaud, Matthieu Le Saux

Corrosion Science, 2023, 221, pp.111328