Before the Advanced Masters in Marine Renewable Energies...
"I graduated as a mechanical engineer from the ENSMM (École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques) in 2005 and then worked for nine years (seven of them in China) doing testing and maintenance in the wind and solar energy sectors. I wanted to switch to a marine environment, so I enrolled in the Advanced Masters in Marine Renewable Energies in 2014."
... and after
"The European Marine Energy Centre tests marine turbines and wave energy converters in the Orkneys, north of Scotland. As a project manager, I facilitate access to our test sites for technology developers. I coordinate environmental license activities, authorizations to generate power on the local grid, and installations at sea. I also participate in international R&D projects that the EMEC is involved with as a marine renewable energies lab."
Florence's feedback on the program
"The richness, multidisciplinarity and excellence of the teaching (hydrodynamics, mechanical and electrical engineering) of this Advanced Master's degree gave me the skills I need to succeed in the various technical and administrative areas I work in from day to day."