ENSTA Bretagne : les associations sportives de rugby féminin et masculin

Ladies Rugby

ENSTA Bretagne’s ladies rugby sports association is the official school team, composed of about fifteen members who take part in the major school challenges. We train for between, 2 to 4 hours a week and try to play in a maximum number of matches with the other teams present in Brest.
ENSTA Bretagne : équipe de rugby féminine

#Team Spirit #Camaraderie #Surpass Yourself

Chinese Portrait 

If the association were…

  • A movie: Invictus 
  • An animal : a tigress 
  • A famous person : Chabal
  • A work of art : Portrait of Dora Maar, Picasso 
There are about 10 to 15 of us for each training session, with two volunteer coaches.

Memorable events in the year

  • TSGED and Ovalies


Ladies Rugby Assoc.
Sports association