With 300 members, this is the leading laboratory in the mechanical engineering field in Brittany. It is scientifically organized into 5 research hubs (RH):
- RH1 = Composites, biocomposites, nanocomposites,
- RH2 = Multi-material assemblies
- RH3 = Structures, fluids and interactions
- RH4 = Energy systems and thermal processes
- RH5 = Material behavior and durability
ENSTA Bretagne’s activities concern research hubs 2, 3 and 5 (in bold above). The industrial challenges are wide-ranging:
- reducing the environmental footprint
- adapting to changing legislation
- harnessing new, more efficient, widely available and affordable materials
- increasing in-service durability, etc.
Although the IRDL’s research activities encompass a much wider scope, it has identified three main application areas to which these activities nevertheless make a key contribution and which give it a unique standing in France:
- SEA (shipbuilding, offshore, MRE),
- TRANSPORT (automobile, aeronautics),
- DEFENSE (on sea and on land).
Receiving a very positive rating in January 2016 from the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES), the IRDL lab was assessed for:
• its original and ambitious scientific strategy
• the right balance between upstream and applied research
• the extensive interaction with businesses
• the excellent quality of research-led teaching
The IRDL’s research can leverage a wide range of original experimental facilities. On the ENSTA Bretagne campus, this test equipment, and the technical team which prepares the tests, make up the MASMECA technology platform.