ENSTA Bretagne : Promotion 2020 lors de la cérémonie de parrainage

Class of 2026 sponsored by Anne Diaz De Tuesta, Eurosam CEO

ENSTA Bretagne
On Tuesday October 1, Anne DIAZ DE TUESTA, the CEO the of EUROSAM EIG (Economic Interest Group), is to sponsor the ENSTA Bretagne class of 2026 who will graduate in 2 years' time. This sponsorship day will examine the major future challenges facing engineers and in particular the defense industry. It will also be an opportunity for the sponsor to share her personal experience.
Logo Eurosam

For EUROSAM, this class sponsorship is a unique opportunity to meet future graduates and discuss the challenges of defense and strategic autonomy. ENSTA Bretagne and EUROSAM belong the same community, working on a daily basis with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, the French Defense Procurement Agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement – DGA) and the armed forces to strengthen our country's security and sovereignty.

Anne Diaz de Tuesta

Anne DIAZ DE TUESTA has been CEO of the EUROSAM EIG since September 1, 2023, after having been Administrator and Director of Programs (June 2021-August 2023). Anne Diaz de Tuesta is now EUROSAM's CEO, having previously held the position of Director of Programs of the EIG.

Anne Diaz de Tuesta was born in 1973 and is a graduate of French Polytechnique military school (École Polytechnique) and ENSAE (which is now ISAE-Supaéro). She has successively held operational management positions in highly international environments at the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA), at the Strategic Affairs Delegation (Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques) which is now the Directorate General of International Relations and Strategy (Direction Générale des Relations Internationales et de la Stratégie – DGRIS), at Bercy in the Directorate General for Enterprise (Direction Générale des Entreprises) and at MBDA.

She has been a member of the General Council of Armament (Conseil Général de l’Armement) since 2017. She was made a Knight of the National Order of Merit (Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite) in 2022. She is also an auditor for the 75th IHEDN "Defense Policy" (Politique de Défense) major.

The Eurosam Economic Interest Group 

EUROSAM is a professional environment with a strong international and multicultural dimension. It is supported by its three parent companies: MBDA France, MBDA Italia and Thales.

Its business is focused on the development of a new generation of long-range surface-to-air systems based on ASTER missiles (the land-based SAMP/T NG system, the successor to the PAAMS & LRR naval system, and the ASTER B1NT missile). EUROSAM is the project manager and design authority, and is supported by its parent companies to develop subsystems.

  • Key facts and figures: 150 staff, all seconded from one of the parent companies for a given period of time; orders worth €6 billion; 1 single customer at the present time: the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement – OCCAr) in anticipation of future export orders.