ENSTA Bretagne : Club étudiant informatique quantique QClub


Created in 2019, the Qclub is a club for learning about quantum computer science and mechanics (mini-lessons, and practical sessions coding simple and advanced algorithms using quantum programming language). Any level can join.

The club was created by a lecturer and students who were fascinated by quantum computer science. It enables student engineers to swap notes and enrich their knowledge in this field.

The lessons cover quantum physics and computer science.

The idea is that students learn by coding simple algorithms to begin with, then they progress little-by-little. Thus they will be able to solve operational research problems (such as finding a way through a labyrinth, for example).

ENSTA Bretagne : Qclub

#field #attractive #mechanics #computer science #coding

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • An animal : Schrödinger's cat
  • A keyword: algorithms


