ENSTA Bretagne : partenaire de la Sea Tech Week

Sea Tech Week 2020 & Moqesm

This new edition of Sea Tech Week is dedicated to the theme of observation : from the very depths of the ocean right up into space.

Due to the current health regulations, the event will be held virtually. ENSTA Bretagne is a partner in this event and is particularly involved in the MOQESM Conference which covers robotics for marine observation.

Over the last decades, mobile robotics has mostly developed in structured environments which have already been charted. In unfamiliar and non-structured environments, such as underwater caves and marine depths, the nature of robotics can change. It becomes essential, not just because it is difficult for humans to operate safely but because humans can no longer help in the remote operation of the robots.

Being autonomous and intelligent, we talk about exploratory robotics as the robot maps its environment, makes decisions, determines its location and is able to return. Technological progress has enabled the development of innovative approaches to solve the essential issues of perception of the environment and safe navigation whilst ensuring complete coverage of a zone, obstacle avoidance and the quality of communications.



Luc Jaulin
Full professor
IT Departement
Lab-STICC Laboratory / AI & Ocean Department / Robex Team
+33 (0)2 98 34 89 10