ENSTA Bretagne : concert Seascape
© Leveau Studio

(S)E(A)SCAPE, an artistic and scientific awakening of the impact of underwater noise pollution

ENSTA Bretagne
Dive into the captivating world of (S)E(A)SCAPE, a project combining art and science aiming to raise awareness of the impact of noise pollution on marine ecosystems. Combining electro and contemporary music, street art and underwater acoustics, this immersive experience sheds light on the dangers facing marine biodiversity and encourages its preservation.

In their natural state, oceans are animated by a soundscape that combines the crashing of waves, the whispering of the wind and the songs of cetaceans... These sounds are not insignificant as they make up the underwater "sound ecosystem", essential to the survival and balance of species. Fish, for example, are sensitive to certain sound signals that allow them to analyze and sense their environment. Cetaceans, for their part, deploy their elaborate vocal repertoires to communicate and find their way around the vast expanses of ocean.

However, this soundscape is increasingly drowned out by the incessant din of human activity. Marine traffic, offshore drilling and motorized tourist activities generate oppressive noise. Far from being anecdotal, this phenomenon, which has been growing steadily for several decades, is having a profound effect on marine life, compromising the survival of many species and posing a serious threat to marine biodiversity.

This is the backdrop to (S)E(A)SCAPE, a bold, committed initiative involving the Oreille Indiscrète collective (artistic direction, sound and musical creation), the Reskate Studio collective (visual arts and fresco), the musician Marie Delprat (composition and performance), the underwater acoustics researcher at ENSTA Bretagne/Lab-STICC Irène Mopin (scientific adviser and contribution to composition) and the biophysicist and writer Bill François (scientific mediation).

The proposed experience is based on three key stages:

  • a concert combining marine sounds and man-made noises: an artistic creation that plunges the audience into the depths of the sea
  • a mini conference offering a moment of scientific mediation to understand this universe with poetry and humor
  • interactive booths offering time to explore various topics individually or in small groups (Sonorités Marines, Le son des bulles, Luminescences) designed respectively by ENSTA Bretagne, LAUM and Reskate Studio with the (S)E(A)SCAPE team

Some of the sounds used during the concert and in the interactive booths were collected by the ENSTA Bretagne/Lab-STICC research teams. For many years, underwater acoustics has indeed been a key research topic at ENSTA Bretagne. In particular, several of our experts (professors, research engineers, PhD students, etc.) are working to better understand the behavior of marine mammals and their environment. Research projects have also been carried out to limit the propagation of intense underwater noise using bubble curtains. This technique has proven its effectiveness in limiting the propagation of sound waves. For Irène Mopin, a professor at ENSTA Bretagne, a central figure in the (S)E(A)SCAPE project: By combining art and science, we aim to raise consciences and awareness. We hope that this project will give rise to enlightened, sensitive initiatives, in particular at individual and local level.

Médiation scientifique sur la pollution sous-marine sonore

Bill François lors de la mini-conférence de médiation.

© Leveau Studio
Cabine pédagogique : découverte de la pollution sous-marine sonore par un groupe d'enfants

Présentation de la cabine pédagogique Sonorités Marines aux scolaires du Mans.

© Irène Mopin
ENSTA Bretagne : concert Seascape

Concert (S)E(A)SCAPE. Artiste : Marie Delprat. En fond : fresque du collectif RESKATE Studio.

© Leveau Studio