General information for the new academic year 2023-2024

Congratulations on your admission to ENSTA Bretagne! On this page, you’ll find all the practical information required for your arrival on campus. See you soon!
General information
Summer closure

The school is closed from 5pm on Thursday July 25 through Monday August 19. 

As of August 20, you will be able to reach contacts directly. If you have sent a document or letter by certified mail with or without return receipt requested, it will be processed starting August 20.

Housing and dining

The on-campus student residence (RDE) will open on August 15, 2024 for international students who begin class on August 19.

All other students can access the residence on August 23.

For more information, visit the residence web page

The dining hall will be open: 

  • from Tuesday, August 20: for breakfast and lunch, on weekdays only (closed on the weekend of August 24-25) 
  • from Monday, August 26: for breakfast, lunch and dinner (so morning, noon and evening)

For more information, visit the dining hall web page

Welcome (Contacts)

Cellule Acor

Cellule Acor staff members welcome students and provide them with counseling and orientation throughout their academic career. 

Student Union

Student Union members are present on campus to help with your arrival and integration in Brest. Contact them to arrange a ride to campus from the train station or airport, and for answers to all your questions :


International Students

International students are specifically welcomed by the Student Office (Bureau des élèves – BDE)

  • You can follow the web page Checklist to prepare your arrival. Indeed, you will have to fill in a form in order to provide details about your dates and times of arrival at the station or airport. Please do this no later than 8 days before your departure!


Disabled students

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the on-campus disabled student contact person before school begins to prepare for your arrival.

Sylvie Guidal, +33(0)


If you are thinking of practicing a sport with ENSTA Bretagne's Athletics Association, we advise you to have a medical checkup and obtain a health certificate before school begins.

Social assistant

A social assistant is on duty on Thursday mornings from 8.30am to 12pm - Office A101 Bis "Parenthèse" (near the media library).

You can contact social assistant at or by telephone +33 (0)2 98 14 85 01 or +33 (0)2 98 34 87 34 (on Thursday mornings).

Please notify Ms Bertholom (by calling +33 (0)2 98 14 86 32) of any absences.

School holidays

To organize your academic year, here are the 2024/2025 vacation dates at ENSTA Bretagne

  • Fall break: October 26 - November 3, 2024
  • Winter break: December 21, 2024 - January 5, 2025
  • February break: February 15 - February 23, 2025
  • Spring break: April 12 - April 21, 2025

Important note: 3rd-year engineering students (i.e MSc in Eng.) as well as 2nd-year Master and Advanced Master students only break for the Christmas holidays.

Information on health insurance

French health insurance reimburses 70% of the cost of a visit to your personal doctor. For more comprehensive reimbursement of your health care costs, you can subscribe to a supplemental health insurance plan (mutuelle) which will reimburse the 30% of costs not covered by mandatory health insurance.

New Non-EU International Students 

Are you planning on studying in France for the next school year? To obtain medical coverage as soon as you arrive, you must register on the French health insurance website (French, English and Spanish versions available) :

New EU Students

Are you beginning your higher-education studies in France? There is no change in your medical coverage, and your medical costs will continue to be covered by your current health care insurer (usually your parents’ or legal guardians’ insurer). You will not be charged for health care in France. Please remember, however, to create an account on the French health insurance website, AMELI. 


  1. CREATE your account online at
  2. PROVIDE your bank account details
  3. REGISTER with a doctor, if you haven’t already done so
  4. UPDATE your health card (on the machines available in pharmacies or at CPAM health insurance offices)
  5. CHECK that your personal health insurance number (NIR) is registered with your primary and supplementary health insurance providers
  6. OPTIMIZE YOUR COVERAGE: we recommend supplementary health insurance coverage, whether through your parents or on an individual plan.

How to contact the french health insurance service

By e-mail

By phone

By visiting

Through your Ameli online account, under the heading Ma messagerie your local CPAM branch


Brest, a student city

In Brest, one in six inhabitants are students. With 29,000 students, including 3,000 international students, Brest is an attractive choice boasting an outstanding living environment and appealing lifestyle!
ENSTA Bretagne : Etudiants en terrasse avec vue sur le port du château
Loïse Barbé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : pratique du skate dans les Ateliers des Capucins à Brest
Sacha C. / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : Etudiants en ville dans Brest
Sacha C. / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : sortie détente sur la plage du Moulin Blanc à Brest
Sacha C. / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : Match de beach volley sur la plage du Moulin Blanc à Brest
Sacha C. / ENSTA Bretagne

Ranking among the most popular student cities in France, Brest is well worth exploring!

With its breath-taking coastline, vibrant student life, its wide array of sporting activities – in particular watersports, its rich cultural agenda, together with efficient transport systems and affordable housing prices, there's everything you'll need to make your time in Brest an unforgettable experience.

A warm welcome

To get the year off to a flying start, the city of Brest concocts an exciting program of events for its students each year.

Brest is...

  • Nearly 29,000 students, including 3,000 international students
  • One university and 9 Grandes Ecoles
  • Easy to get around by streetcar, bus, bike, on foot, and now even with France's first urban gondola
  • Affordable accommodation: whether at the student residence on campus or downtown
  • Sports for all with 124 disciplines on offer and 225 sports clubs
  • An exceptionally rich cultural agenda


Talents and accolades

Every year, ENSTA Bretagne students take part in a variety of challenges and accomplish exciting projects (either as part of their studies or in their personal time). Here are just some examples.


"DATA ÉNERGIE" organized by the Ministry for the Armed Forces

In 2021, the ENSTA Bretagne/Télécom Paris joint team won with artificial intelligence-led data analyses.

Digital hackathon organized by Accenture

Top spot in 2021 on a sustainable development-related programming subject.

Hackathon "ACT IN SPACE" organized by CNES 

Runner-up in 2020 in this challenge geared towards space.

Sopra Steria "BREAK THE CODE" Challenge

Brest claimed victory in 2020 and 2019 with the student club CYBER

Les Entrep' 

Les Entrep' is a national program aimed at encouraging business startups. Students from different institutions (on engineering, law, biology or communications courses for example.) spend a few months (18 weeks) working together on innovative and creative projects. 

  • 1st prize for Brittany in 2016, Brittany scooped 1st prize in the social innovation and sustainable development trophy in 2021, 2017 and 2016.
  • 1st prize for Finistère in 2020 and 2018.

Perrine, elected Regional Adviser for 2020-2021

After a year as President of the "BEST ENSTA Bretagne" association, Perrine was elected Regional Adviser for 2020-2021 to jointly oversee the European network BEST 2021: the Board of European students of technology.


Thanks to their "homemade" sailboat, the ENSTA Bretagne team scooped bronze in the international Hydrocontest-X competition in the "long distance race" category in 2019. The team, which has undergone a reshuffle since the competition stopped, is working on an autonomous sailboat capable of crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

World Robotic Sailing Championship (WRSC)

1st prize in 2018 and 2013.

2021 "Cap Ingénieuses" prize and certification awarded to the "L codent L créent" initiative

The "L codent L créent" initiative is aimed at sparking the interest of girls attending high school in IT and engineering by introducing them to programming in the "Python" language. For a few years now, male and female ENSTA Bretagne students have been travelling to partner high schools to give them an insight into programming.

SIA (French Society of Automotive Engineers) Trophy) 

Promotion of professional ethics (ROTARY/CGE/UNESCO)

To enter this contest, candidates have to write a paper on the theme of ethics in the workplace. Two ENSTA Bretagne students have been prize-winners, one in 2019 (Noémie Fritsch) and the other in 2018 (Angélique Rissoan).

Shell Eco Marathon

Shell Eco-marathon is an international student automotive engineering competition where contenders must try to travel the furthest on one liter of fuel. In 2018, the team finished 18th out of 36 with their electric prototype (after several years of excellent results with internal combustion engines).

EDHEC Sailing Cup

Top spot in the 100% student sailing competition in a J/80 sportsboat and runner-up in the Sea Trophy, First 31.7 Category, in 2019.

"ERL EMERGENCY" International Robotics Competition

ERL Emergency is one of the autonomous robot competitions inspired by the Fukushima accident. The aim is to send autonomous robots into a mixed terrain area, inaccessible to man, where they collaborate to explore the zone, detect any problems (leaks, fires…), find people in distress and bring them first aid. 

ENSTA Bretagne : participation en 2019 au challenge HydroContest
ENSTA Bretagne : Victoire au challenge Break the code
© ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : L codent L créent
ENSTA Bretagne : Victoire de l'équipage ENSTA Bretagne à la 51° Course Croisière EDHEC (équipage 100 % étudiant)