The association proposes many outdoor sports : forest and seaside trail running, triathlons, bike rides, cross-country and running races. Different types of training sessions have been organized during the week to help you attain your objectives.


Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • Keyword/s : raising the bar
  • An animal : a leopard
  • A film : Forrest Gump
  • A famous person : Kilian Jornet






Events/ Memorable events in the year:

  • TSGED champions in cross-country and orienteering
  • French champions: cross-country, trail running and orienteering.
  • Participation in several regional trail races.
  • Participation in a Grand Raid


Last awards récompenses / performances :

  • Top1 and  2 teams in the Breton regional cross-country races and 4 qualifications for France.
  • Top 3  in the UBO Quimper Raid.
  • Top 2 in a 2-person team regional trail race




Association étudiante

The Tennis Association

This association brings together those ENSTA Bretagne students who are tennis enthusiasts. The Tennis Association enables them to have fun together during training or during discussions on the next grand tournament of the professional circuit!

#smashingservice #enthusiasts #training #greatatmosphere

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A book: Tennis : The Winning Mindset
  • A famous person : Benoît Paire


The Tennis Association has 30 to 40 members.

Events/ Memorable events in the year:

University championships/internal tournaments/tennis talk.

Last awards récompenses / performances :

0 defeats at the university championships 2020/2021


ENSTA Bretagne – Intersport



AS Tennis
Association Sportive


Created in 2019, the Qclub is a club for learning about quantum computer science and mechanics (mini-lessons, and practical sessions coding simple and advanced algorithms using quantum programming language). Any level can join.

The club was created by a lecturer and students who were fascinated by quantum computer science. It enables student engineers to swap notes and enrich their knowledge in this field.

The lessons cover quantum physics and computer science.

The idea is that students learn by coding simple algorithms to begin with, then they progress little-by-little. Thus they will be able to solve operational research problems (such as finding a way through a labyrinth, for example).

ENSTA Bretagne : Qclub

#field #attractive #mechanics #computer science #coding

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • An animal : Schrödinger's cat
  • A keyword: algorithms




Swimming Club

The aim of this association is to coach, practice and train for swimming competitions. All levels are welcome, you just need to know how to swim. There are training sessions especially for each level and a coach to help the students throughout the session.
ENSTA Bretagne : AS Natation

#Teamspirit  #Friendship  #Splash  #Salmon

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A film or a book : Big Blue
  • An animal : The Dolphin
  • A famous person (real or imaginary):  Flipper the Dolphin


The Swimming Club has about twenty members
ENSTA Bretagne : AS Natation

Events/Memorable moments in the year:

  • TSGED : French Graduate Defense Schools’ Sports Tournament
  • The Lannion Competition
  • The Rennes Competition

Latest awards:

TSGED 2019 : Silver medal in the women’s 50m freestyle and men’s 100m freestyle



AS Natation
Association Sportive

ENSTA Bretagne Cyber Club : ENS7UXN3T

The Cyber Club is for ENSTA Bretagne student engineers who want to learn about and apply cyber-security. They get together every Tuesday at the end of the day to share and develop their skills.

So the students teach each other and propose practical exercises as well as challenges. Every week, a different student puts forward a new theme. Sometimes teachers or consultants lend the future engineers a guiding hand.

The objective of ENSTA Bretagne Cyber Club is to play host to motivated students, be they beginners or advanced, so that they can work together on the challenges and protect themselves by understanding system weaknesses.

ENSTA Bretagne : Victoire au challenge Break the code
© ENSTA Bretagne

#Hacking #Cryptography #Network #ComputerScience #Security #Cyber-defense #Attack #SoftwareEngineering

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A film: Matrix
  • A famous person (real or imaginary): Mr Robot


There are about ten students in the Cyber Club

Latest awards:

The ENSTA Bretagne Cyber Club won the Break the Code Challenge, competition organized by Sopra Steria in December 2019