Shell Eco Marathon

ENSTA Bretagne’s Shell Eco Marathon Club (SEM) is a technical association which enables students to get together around a futuristic vehicle. The team works on two vehicles:
- An electric vehicle (see photo) which competes in the prototype category. Every year it is upgraded to improve its energy consumption and to be as efficient as possible in the different competitions.
- An “Urban Concept” currently in the design phase.
Shell Eco Marathon

#Project #Technology #Entrepreneurial #Economy #Ecology #Futuristic

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • An animal: A camel
  • A famous person: Eliud Kipchoge



  • Shell Eco Marathon Race (end of June)
  • Albi Eco Race (may)


In 2018, the team took part in the Shell Eco Marathon Europe for the first time using its electric prototype (before that the marathon was for thermal engines).
They came 18th/36 in this category.


  • ENSTA Bretagne
  • Partnership in progress with the BERTRANDT Company for the new vehicle (Urban Concept)



Shell Eco Marathon
Student club
ENSTA Bretagne : Circuit Shell Eco Marathon
Ensta Bretagne : Albi Eco Race 2023
ENSTA Bretagne : Shell Eco 2023
ENSTA Bretagne : ShellEco2023
ENSTA Bretagne : ShellEco2023 préparatifs

Dance Club

The dance club gives the students the possibility to learn and try out several dance styles such as : rock, salsa or even Breton dancing!
Club danse

#rock #art #expression #softskill #evenings #sport #style.


If the association were…

  • Un film ou un livre: West Side Story
  • An animal: a bird because of its lightness and agility
  • Music: Partenaire Particulier (French band)


More than 150 members this year from the 3 cohorts!
Club danse


At the beginning of the year : we concentrate on rock ready for the Gala during which the Dance Club puts on a show !

This is followed by salsa, and the end of the year is the moment to try some more original styles such as Breton dancing.


The Gala rock show and the ENSTA Bretagne rock tournament!



Dance Club
Student club

The Ladies Volleyball Association

The Ladies Volleyball Association is a super group of female students who train each week with a former professional player. A close team, every year they achieve really good results.
Volley-ball féminin

#United #Greatatmosphere #Warriors #Supercoach #Victories


  • The French championships are one of the important events in the year. The qualifications take place at the beginning of the year to finish in the finals in May. The ladies’team often qualifies with the mens’ team and together they have a great time at the tournament.
  • The TSGED (Tournoi Sportif des Grandes Ecoles de la Défense or Defense Graduate Schools Sports Tournament) is their second crazy competition. They take part in it with most of ENSTA Bretagne, so the atmosphere is really incredible as everyone is there to support the teams.
The team is composed of 17 players and a coach
Volley-ball féminin

Dernières récompenses / performances :

This year, the team reached the finals of the French championships (an event which unfortunately was cancelled). The girls won the TSGED 2018/2019 and finished 4th in the French championships in the same year.



AS Volley Ball ENSTA Bretagne
Sports association

ENSTA Bretagne Sailing Team

The students in the ENSTA Bretagne Sailing Team (live-aboard sailboat section) get together every Thursday afternoon for training. They have two objectives:
- make sailing accessible for all students whatever their past experience
- prepare for regattas to take part in student and national competitions all along the Atlantic Coast.
ENSTA Bretagne : Association Sailing Team

#Universitysailing #competitions #crews

The association is one of the biggest university sailing associations in France.
Every year, it takes part in around twenty competitions.


The idea of ENSTA Bretagne’s Sailing Team is to bring together a group of 30 regatta crew members and about a hundred casual sailors.

Chinese Portrait : 

If the association were…

  • A slogan: « Eat my wake ! »
  • A catchphrase: « We’re off Brest, hoist the spinnaker ! »
  • A magazine: Yachts and Yachting of course!
  • An animal: A dolphin (sometimes they swim alongside !)
  • A famous person: Éric Tabarly
  • Food: (chocolate) ship’s biscuits, essential to keep the energy levels up in regattas!


The EDHEC Yacht Race, French University Match-Racing and Fleet-Racing Championships, the Spi Ouest France, the Ecole Navale Grand Prix, and the Télégramme Tresco Trophy. 


1st position for the student crew in the EDHEC 2019 Yacht Race (the biggest student event in France), French University Match-Racing Champions 2019. For several years, winners of the Tournoi Sportif des Grandes Ecoles de la Défense (Defense Graduate Schools Sports Tournament).


ENSTA Bretagne, Thales.


ENSTA Bretagne Sailing Team
Student club

Fanf’ENSTA: ENSTA Bretagne’s brass band

ENSTA Bretagne’s brass band brings together musicians who enliven matches, school events and the school gala, as was the case for the 2019 gala.

#Inclusion #diversity #eclecticism

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A TV broadcast: Fort Boyard
  • An animal: Brouhabam (it would be a Pokemon)


That is the average number of Fanf’ENSTA members

Events/memorable moments of the year

  • TSGED (supporting the teams on the Palaiseau campus)
  • ENSTA Bretagne’s Gala

Latest awards/performances 

  • The Naval Group Commitment Award to Iroise-Marie Julien for forming the brass band (graduated in 2019



Fanfare Fanf'ENSTA
Association étudiante

Nautical sports

Surfing, paddle, all categories of sailing…what are you waiting for? Brest is a maritime city…jump in!
ENSTA Bretagne : Activités nautiques en rade de Brest, planche à voile

Light Sailing Craft Association

Every Thursday afternoon, ENSTA Bretagne students set off for the Moulin Blanc slipway in Brest, which is on one of the most beautiful roadsteads in the world.

The association enables you to have a go or perfect your technique in windsurfing, catamaran or dinghy sailing.



ENSTA Bretagne Sailing Team Voile régate
© Clément Quibel

ENSTA Bretagne Sailing Team

This is one of the largest university sailing associations in France. Every year, ENSTA Bretagne Sailing Team take part in about twenty competitions. Training takes place weekly on Thursday

ENSTA Bretagne : Vie-Etudiante-Bureau de la glisse
© Clément Quibel

Bureau de la Glisse

Thanks to the Bureau de la Glisse, our well-equipped ride ‘n’ slide club and its team of enthusiastic riders, surfing that wave will become possible! They propose an introduction to surfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding or paddle boarding in the most beautiful Breton surf spots.


ENSTA Bretagne : sortie en mer pour les étudiants de l'ENSTA Bretagne sur le voilier habitable de l'école
© Loïse Barbé / ENSTA Bretagne

ENSTA Bretagne Cruises

Since spring 2020, ENSTA Bretagne has a live-aboard yacht that it makes available to students and staff who wish to go sailing for one or several days to discover the splendid Breton coast and islands nearby. 

Join a great crew, try your hand at sailing and take your turn on the tiller, without the pressure of a regatta or competition.

Fencing Association

The fencing association is for all levels : beginners or experts, you are all welcome ! All 3 categories are practiced in a great atmosphere: the épée, the foil and the saber.
AS Escrtime ENSTA Bretagne

#Agility #Perseverance #Passion

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A film or a book: « The Three Musketeers »
  • A famous person (real or imaginary): Jack Sparrow

Events/Memorable moments in the year

  • TSGED (Tournoi sportif des Grandes Ecoles de la Défense)


  • Bronze medal (overall ranking)
  • Silver medal in the épée at the TSGED.



AS Escrime
Association sportive

Men’s football Association

The men’s football association team get together every Monday evening for training. The matches take place on Thursday afternoons. The Football Association enables students from the different years to come together to improve individually so as to improve as a team.
Equipe de football masculin de l'ENSTA Bretagne lors d'un match

#cohesion #community #commitment

Chinese Portrait

If the association were...

  • A film or a book: 300 by Zack Snyder
  • An animal: a kitten
  • A famous person: OSS 117
  • A song: Ramenez la coupe à la maison –Vegedream




This association is ideal for students who regularly do sport and want to have a go. There is a friendly, sharing atmosphere and community spirit.

Latest awards:

  • Victory in the Atlanticup
  • Qualified in the inter-regionals
  • Victory in the 2019 TSGED 


Men’s football Association
Sports Association