ENSTA Bretagne : recherche systèmes d'observations, télécommunications, ondes

The TOMS team – Processing, observations and statistical methods

This Lab-STICC team works on methodological and practical aspects of signal and image statistical processing. The applications, which are a major driving force behind its research work, relate to the study of environments, and particularly the processing of data provided by marine or airborne observation systems.

Development of signal assessment, detection and representation methods. Marine and underwater environment monitoring: acoustic source localization, environmental characterization, the nature and evolution of the seabed, object detection and recognition.

Space and airborne remote sensing: space-time estimation of geophysical fields and ecological dynamics; object detection and recognition (ships, planes, etc.); monitoring of areas of interest (detection, observation, etc.).


  • Marine biology.
  • Passive acoustics, synthetic aperture radar.
  • Advanced signal/image processing: antenna processing, time-frequency analysis, nonlinear methods, Bayesian inference, parsimonious models, compressed sensing.
  • Data science for the sea and big data: machine learning (deep learning, etc.).

Applications :

Defense (underwater acoustics and radar), marine biology, environment monitoring.

ENSTA Bretagne is involved in the following research programs

Deep learning for multiple target detection and recognition in variable background. (Partners: IRISA, UBO UMR AMURE, MBDA)


Assessment of the ecological and socio-economic consequences of killer whales and sperm whales depredation on French longline fisheries: implementing a techno-economic approach for its suppression. The team uses passive acoustic monitoring to assess the impact of the noise coming from ships on cetacean attraction. (Partners: CEBC-CNRS, MNHN, UBO AMURE, INRA BIOSP, IRD MARBEC, IFREMER)


Hydroacoustic observatory of seismicity and biodiversity in the Indian Ocean (Partner: LGO UBO).


Whale monitoring using an acoustic glider (Partner: Total Foundation for Biodiversity).


(Open Science meets Ocean Sounds Explorer): a collaborative underwater passive acoustics project for ocean observation (Partners: IMT Atlantique, IUEM, WHOI [The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]).


For the characterization of marine environmental fluctuations (DGA TN order; in collaboration with WHOI).


Angélique Dremeau
Associate Professor
IT Departement
Lab-STICC laboratory/ DMID Department / MATRIX Team
+33 (0)2 98 34 89 71