ENSTA Bretagne : prix de l'Académie de Marine pour Corentin Guellec qui a réalisé sa thèse à IRDL / ENSTA Bretagne
© Académie de Marine

Corentin Guellec receives the Marine Academy award

Mechanical Sciences
On Wednesday June 12, Corentin Guellec received the Académie de Marine award for his thesis on the durability of naval vessel shaft lines.
Travaux de thèse de Corentin Guellec sur les lignes d'arbre

Corentin Guellec was awarded a PhD in mechanical engineering (IRDL Laboratory/ENSTA Bretagne) in April 3, 2023.

His thesis work focused on studying the durability of naval vessel shaft lines as part of a three-way partnership between Naval Group, DGA and IRDL (Dupuy de Lôme Research Institute, CNRS joint
research unit/UMR 6027, Carnot Institute ARTS).

The aims of this study focused on:

  • the characterization and modeling of the complexity and variability of loads undergone by shaft lines in service, and
  • on the characterization of the polycyclic fatigue properties of their constituent materials under complex cyclic loading.

So this was a job with a dual technological and scientific challenge. The experimental part of the thesis allowed made it possible to develop an original method for characterizing the fatigue properties of fractured materials, compared with conventional approaches, and the only one capable of meeting the aims of the thesis. The modeling aspect was based on a multiscale, probabilistic approach, so that from a description of the mechanisms at play on the micrometric scale, it was possible to go right up to the scale of the structure of interest.

ENSTA Bretagne : Corentin Guellec reçoit le prix de l'académie de Marine pour ses travaux sur les lignes d'arbre de navires

Some of this work has been transferred to industry, allowing it to justify the development of certain components of its shaft line sizing procedure. However, it remains in line with the topic of socio-ecological transition in helping to set up more optimal sizing chains (lighter structures). Some of this work has been the subject of scientific publications. It has also been presented at various conferences.

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