L'équipe du BDE 2024-2025

A new Students’ Union for the 2024 - 2025 academic year

Student Life
After more than 2 weeks of campaigning, the new ENSTA Bretagne Students’ Union has been elected from the 4 lists of candidates. We caught up with Kilian, the president, to discuss the future projects and goals of this new team!

The campaigns lasted over 2 weeks, how would you sum them up? 

There was a good atmosphere! The campaigns provided us with an opportunity to get to know the other students at our school, but also to strengthen our team.  
Everything went according to plan, even the more logistical activities like the off-campus party and the go-karting day, so it was really enjoyable.

You had 4 lists of candidates to choose from instead of the usual 1. Why do you think that is? 

We showed a lot of motivation. Everyone in our team is highly motivated! We really tried to be available and accessible to everyone. In our group, we have a wide range of personalities from different backgrounds, and I think that really helped us reach out to as many people on campus as possible. 

Last but not least, we are very active on social media. This helped us win the votes of students who were not on campus (gap year students, or those on apprenticeships, internships, or on exchange with a partner school).

What are your main objectives as the new Students’ Union?  

  • To be present with students at outside social events and on a day-to-day basis on campus. This is our main challenge. We want to organize more social events to liven up student life, while ensuring that events run smoothly and that everyone feels safe and at ease, both on and off campus.
  • Our second goal is to tackle student poverty, especially when it comes to food and meals. We have found that there is a real need for this among students. Overall, the well-being of all students is something we feel very strongly about. 

What other projects is the team working on? 

There are a number of other projects we will be actively working on:

  • Managing the merger of the Sports Office (Bureau des Sports - BDS) and the Sports Association (Association Sportive - AS): their activities overlap and we believe that bringing them together will strengthen their driving role. It will be an independent association and therefore a separate entity from the Students’ Union 
  • Merging the ENSTA Bretagne Student’ Union with that of ENSTA Paris. We don't know exactly how this will work at the moment, but we will definitely keep student life active on each campus and preserve what makes each association unique.

What 3 words would you use to sum up the new Students’ Union?
