ENSTA Bretagne : visite Délégué général pour l'armement Joël Barre, octobre 2019
ENSTA Bretagne ©JulienOgor

Visit from Joël Barre, Executive Armaments Officer

ENSTA Bretagne
On Thursday 10 October, ENSTA Bretagne received Joël Barre, Executive Armaments Officer, and François Coté, Technical Director of the DGA (Direction Générale de l ‘Armament or French Procurement Agency)

During his visit, the Executive Armaments Officer and his technical director could appreciate the excellence and diversity of ENSTA Bretagne’s fields of excellence and its relations with the world of defense and hi-tech companies. 

The cutting edge programs research equipment and training in pyrotechnics, naval design, mechanical modeling, information technologies, robotics and cyber security were presented in detail.

The rapid growth of the school and its significant contribution to defense innovation were illustrated throughout the visit.

The DGA plans and manages major armament programs. It is the leading State investor: 12.5 billion Euros of defense contracts in 2017, 765 million Euros on research and innovation, 18 sites in France. The DGA is also the supervisor of 4 graduate engineering schools: the Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSTA Bretagne and ISAE-Supaero.

ENSTA Bretagne : accueil du Délégué général pour l'armement par les élèves IETA

Reception of the Executive Armaments Officer by the IETA students

Julien Ogor pour ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : visite du DGA au centre de recherche IRDL / architecture navale

Presentation of Naval Architecture in the Research Institute

Julien Ogor pour ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : visite DGA au laboratoire IRDL / matériaux et structures

Presentation of Materials and Structures Research (IRDL Laboratory)

Julien Ogor pour ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : Presentation of the test tank, Robotics and Environment Observation Research (ENSTA Bretagne / Lab-Sticc

Presentation of the test tank, Robotics and Environment Observation Research (Lab-Sticc

Julien Ogor pour ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : Reception of Joël Barre, Executive Armaments Officer at ENSTA Bretagne

Reception of Joël Barre, Executive Armaments Officer (in the center ground, 4th position) and François Coté, Technical Director of the DGA (to the left), by Pascal Pinot, Director of ENSTA Bretagne (in the center ground 5th position), Yann Doutreleau, Scientific Director of ENSTA Bretagne (to the right) and the student representatives.

Julien Ogor pour ENSTA Bretagne