ENSTA Bretagne : formation et recherche en énergies marines renouvelables
Darren Coleshill

Summer School in Renewable Marine Energies

Marine Renewable Energies
Hosted by ENSTA: Renewable Marine Energies Summer School

Actively engaged in and committed to Energy, Maritime Engineering and Renewable Marine Energies (RME), the ENSTA Group is pleased to announce its Summer School 2012 in the presence of industries, academics and experts in the field of RME. Tailored for scientists, students, PhD, budding researchers and engineers, the Summer School will be held under the perfect backdrop of the Brest international maritime festival «Les Tonnerres de Brest 2012».

Some papers are a prospective introduction, states of the art and a round table which are usually part of scientific conferences. The other sessions have been designed as lectures. The overall themes to deal with when designing a marine energy harnessing system are really huge. This is why, HERMESS2012 decided to focus only on a limited number of topics regarded as typical from either research or industrial points of view.

The conference attendees will benefit the social events below:

  • Free access to the maritime festival "les Tonnerres de Brest 2012"
  • Visit the ENSTA Bretagne experimental facilities (mechanics, IT) ...
In partnership with :
Logo Brest Métropole
Logo Technopôle Brest Iroise
Logo Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
logo naval group
Logo Cluster Maritime Français