
The members of the Spacieta club design and build mini-rockets or experimental rockets from A to Z.
Every year, the team takes part in the national launch campaign “C-Space” jointly organized by the CNES and Planète Sciences, near Tarbes.
ENSTA Bretagne : conception d'une fusée expérimentale par le club Spacieta

#Multi-disciplinary  #team  #passion  #prototyping


If the association were…

  • A book or a film: Destination Moon
  • An animal: the peregrine falcon, the fastest bird in the world…in a nosedive
  • A famous person: Professor Calculus
  • A video game: Kerbal Space Program


ENSTA Bretagne : conception d'une fusée expérimentale par le club Spacieta

#Multi-disciplinary  #team  #passion  #prototyping


If the association were…

  • A book or a film: Destination Moon
  • An animal: the peregrine falcon, the fastest bird in the world…in a nosedive
  • A famous person: Professor Calculus
  • A video game: Kerbal Space Program


ENSTA Bretagne : conception d'une fusée expérimentale par le club Spacieta

#Multi-disciplinary  #team  #passion  #prototyping


If the association were…

  • A book or a film: Destination Moon
  • An animal: the peregrine falcon, the fastest bird in the world…in a nosedive
  • A famous person: Professor Calculus
  • A video game: Kerbal Space Program


in the Spacieta club.
ENSTA Bretagne : participation du club Spacieta à la campagne de lancement de fusées "C-Space"


  • C’Space in July: the club takes part in this national launch campaign in 2019
  • Brest Science Festival
  • C’Space Rocket Launch 2019. C’Space 2020 unfortunately has been cancelled.


CNES, Planète Sciences, Thales


Student Club

Cultural and entertainment organizations

Entertainment, culture, letting your hair down…the cultural and entertainment associations and clubs offer a wide range of activities.


Every year, a new team gets busy organizing THE evening highlight of the year. This event brings together students, teaching staff, graduates and partners for a dazzling gala in a sumptuous setting. Decoration, Choreography, Security, Communication, Logistics, Sponsorship...the team takes care of everything down to the smallest detail to make this a night to remember!

"BDAV" (Bureau de l'audiovisuel: the Audio-Visual Bureau)

Members of the Audio-Visual Bureau are there to record the best moments in ENSTA Bretagne student life, through photos or videos.

Themed photographic exhibitions are organized by the BDAV from time to time in the school’s entrance hall.

Club Musique

All levels of musicians play all sorts of instruments in this club. The members get together regularly to rehearse on campus in the dedicated music room, which is totally equipped. The club organizes jam sessions and concerts thoughout the school year. 


United by a passion for painting, art and design, the students of the Kult’art club work on artistic projects in their free time. Their help has been invaluable in creating the decor for the Gala, the design of logos for the student clubs and associations and even a mural on campus.

Fanf'ENSTA (Brass band)

Like the bandas in the South West, the brass band is a merry band of musicians who add atmosphere on campus. They regularly accompany the supporters club to different sports competitions.

Pom-Pom and Pim-Pim

United and motivated, the Pom-Poms and the Pim-Pims are always there to support and encourage the school’s teams.
The cheerleaders also regularly take part in events organized by Brest Cityhall, such as evenings in bars or even take part in the spotrs tournaments such as the Ovalies.

Games Bureau (BDJ)

Board games, role-playing games, figurines, the members of the club meet up regularly around a table to go head to head in different rounds.
Many graphic novels are also available in the club’s facilities.


The Yeti Sound System unites the school’s DJs. The team mixes for different events organized on campus (induction, Foy’z evenings, the BDE (student union) campaign, etc) or outside (galas in other schools or universities, evenings etc).


Philistine or seasoned artist, ENSTA Drama is a united bunch who get together to do improvisation, theatrical activities and rehearsals.
At the end of every year (civil and academic), several plays are put on in the school for students and staff. Laughs and emotion guaranteed!


The oenology club introduces members to the tasting of different wines, whilst teaching them about the different stages and production methods: varieties, harvesting, vinification, fermentation, the different vineyards and discerning the flavors. The workshops are held in small groups, led by a wine merchant from the city of Brest.

Dance Club

Every Wednesday evening, beginners and dance floor experts get together to dance rock, acrobatic rock, salsa and even hip hop!


Billard Club

Bringing together enthusiasts of all levels, the billiards club puts on snooker and carom billiard tournaments throughout the year on campus and in other venues. For practice, members can play at the various billiard tables provided in the dedicated room at the student union and students’ common room, Foy'z.


With some 15 members, ENST’Acappella develops the musical repertoire and polyphonic projects of students in a relaxed, good-natured atmosphere.



ENSTA Bretagne : concert du club musique lors du gala de l'école
ENSTA Bretagne : club YESS
Julien Ogor
ENSTA Bretagne : club fanfare
ENSTA Bretagne : tournage d'un film par la BDAV (Bureau de l'audiovisuel)
ENSTA Bretagne : Bureau des Jeux
ENSTA Bretagne : démonstration du club danse

Club Danse

Viens découvrir le club de danse de l'école ! Chaque mercredi soir, nous te proposons d'apprendre les pas du rock, du rock acrobatique, de salsa ou encore de hip-hop.

Julien Ogor
ENSTA Bretagne : représentation du club théâtre


Philistine or seasoned artist, ENSTA Drama is a united bunch who get together to do improvisation, theatrical activities and rehearsals.

Socially committed associations

To give meaning to their activities, several clubs and associations are committed to humanitarian, solidarity, environmental missions and so on.
ENSTA Bretagne : ENACTUS nettoyage de plage


The ENSTAQUA club seeks to raise public awareness of maritime pollution.

Organized into 4 sections, the club carries out various activities including:

  • Beach cleans
  • Awareness-raising through exhibitions and presentations in schools
  • Sea measurements (water salinity, temperature, etc.)
ENSTA Bretagne :  Remise du trophée coup de cœur à l'association Esprit IETA

Esprit IETA

The IETA students particularly want to pay homage to all the military personnel who every day strive for peace and security. Accompanied by wounded armed services personnel, every year, the team takes up impressive human and sporting challenges. The funds received for each challenge are donated to the Bleuet de France charity.

ENSTA Bretagne : 4L Trophy

4L Trophy

Every year, several students take part in this adventure. Two to a 4L (Renault 4), they go head to head in an orienteering rally which takes them across Spain to arrive at the edge of the Moroccan desert. There, they leave the school supplies which they took with them. It is an incredible humanitarian adventure which stays with all those who take part.


Infos en plus
Les défis sportifs d'Esprit IETA. Sensibiliser à la cause de l'ONACVG

Ces défis sportifs sont organisés et réalisés par les élèves IETA avec un blessé de guerre, pour sensibiliser les publics à la cause de l'ONACVG (Bleuet de France) et réunir des dons pour les victimes de guerre et leurs familles. 


L'équipe prépare un nouveau défi sportif pour sensibiliser le public qui combinera canoë et randonnée. Les élèves IETA d'Esprit IETA ont mené plusieurs actions sur le campus brestois et déjà réuni près de 11.000 euros de dons au profit de l'ONACVG, qui aide les victimes de guerre, les blessés et leurs familles.

Défis précédents

Descente des gorges de la Dordogne : près de 100 km en 4 jours.

Grande randonnée sur les sentiers du littoral Atlantique et de la presqu'île de Crozon.

Grande randonnée sur les sentiers corses du GR 20.

700 km à vélo pour se souvenir, pour le Centenaire 14-18 en 2018, récompensé lors des Trophées des Champions des Armées : trophée "coup de coeur" (lire l'article de 2018)

Lire aussi

Individual sports

Climbing, Judo, Badminton, Swimming… there are many individual sports on offer on campus or nearby for the best equipment.
You can take advantage of the vast sports complex including a gymnasium, a weights room, a tennis court…
ENSTA Bretagne : Equitation association sportive


Horse-riding is possible at ENSTA Bretagne thanks to the partnership with the riding center just twenty minutes away from the campus by car.

Our students can benefit from the special rates proposed due to this partnership.

ENSTA Bretagne : entraînement de l'association sportive escalade à The Roof


In a gym or outside, our men and women climbers meet up several times a week to improve their technique.



For students who like racket sports, the Tennis Association welcomes players all year long. Training takes place twice a week.

Photo of a match on campus at ENSTA Bretagne.

Eleves-ingénieurs pratiquant l'escrime à l'ENSTA Bretagne. Ils ont l’épée, le fleuret et le sabre.


The Fencing Association is comprised of students of all levels : beginners or advanced. This association enables you to do all forms of this sport, be it the épée, the foil or the saber.

ENSTA Bretagne : Compétition de natation lors du TSGED


The student engineers can swim in groups of different levels. They are accompanied by a coach during these sessions.

ENSTA Bretagne : Match de boxe lors du TSGED


Open to all levels, boxing is a complete discipline which gives you a cardio workout and improves your strength and combat techniques.

ENSTA Bretagne : Match de badminton en mixte à l'école Polytechnique lors du TSGED


This racket sport develops coordination, agility and motricity. The training sessions prepare you for competitions in a good atmosphere.

ENSTA Bretagne : Equipe de Judo lors du TSGED


Students of all levels can join the Judo Association. The association enables you to take part in many tournaments.

Team sports

ENSTA Bretagne sports association enables you to take part in many team sports and competitions throughout the year: FFSU Championships, TSGED and TOSS. To support them, you can also join the supporters club.
ENSTA Bretagne boasts many sports facilities on campus including a football/rugby stadium, a multi-sports hall…
ENSTA Bretagne ; Equipe féminine de football


Men's & women's teams

These sports associations are open to all students (whether experienced or a total novice). The atmosphere is fun and friendly.  These sportsmen and women are also competitive and aim to qualify for the French championships and be placed at the TSGED (Tournoi Sportif des Grandes Ecoles de la Défense or Defense Graduate Schools Sports Tournament).

ENSTA Bretane : Match de Basket Féminin sur le campus pendant la saison 2019/2020


Men's & women's teams

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, you are welcome within this sports association which will guide and train you ! If you want to do some sport in a crazy atmosphere and win many medals, don’t hesitate: come and join the teams!

ENSTA Bretagne : Equipe de rugby masculine


Men’s & women’s teams

After two years preparing for the competitive exams, this is how to let off all that steam! This is the ideal sport for those who like physical effort, belly sliding or even mud face masks. These close teams and the trainers know how to help you progress.
ENSTA Bretagne : équipe Volley-ball féminine


Men’s & women’s teams

During the training and matches, the atmosphere is really good! In addition to the good humor and fits of laughter, it will help you progress. These serious teams have ambitions to fulfill: qualify for the French championships and win a medal at the TSGED!

ENSTA Bretagne : match de volley-ball  compétition


Men’s & women’s teams

The watchword of this associations is : sharing ! Whether you are tall or small, a beginner or experienced, the team welcomes you! Respect and a friendly atmosphere are a precondition for playing this sport.



ENSTA Bretagne : le club supporters toujours présent pour soutenir ses équipes
Olivier Stephan

The supporters

And to accompany and support all of our teams, come rain or shine, join the supporters’ club!

Unmissable events

From induction weekend, ski week to the gala, students at ENSTA Bretagne organize many joyous events throughout the year.
weekend inte 2019


Right from the start of the academic year, the BDE (student union) welcome and show all the new French and international students the campus, the schoolclubs and associations and also Brest life and the magnificent coast of Finistere. Activities, sports events, barbecues and evenings at the Foy’z are all occasions to get to know your new classmates. Student life kicks off with a bang with Induction Weekend (the WEI)!


etudiants bresiliens matinee internationale 2019

International morning

During this friendly morning, the students who have experienced other countries tell us of their adventure, share tips and the international students show us their countries and cultures through many initiatives (quizzes, dance demonstrations, music, singing, food tasting…).

Gala evening

The Gala evening is an exceptional annual event which brings together students, new graduates, staff and partners of the school at a sumptuous venue. It is an unforgettable evening, where talented groups from the school perform, together with well known guest artists invited especially for the occasion. For the last few editions, the theater, dance and music clubs have got together to propose the 1 000 evening guests the most spectacular show!

Semaine aux sports d'hiver

Winter sports week

Every February holiday, to let off steam after the exams, the “We SKI” team propose a week in a winter sports resort in the Alps. Sliding sports and exciting times guaranteed!

victoire equipe volley TSGED 2019

Major sports tournaments

Lasting a weekend, at the TSGED (Tournoi Sportif des Grandes Ecoles de la Défense or graduate defense schools sports tournament ) and the TOSS (sports tournament organized by the Centrale Supelec sports department), each sports team flies the flag for their school, wins medals and bathes in the glory of victory. A great atmosphere guaranteed on the field and also in the stands thanks to the supporters clubs and the brass band.

Tournoi sportif dans le noir accessoires fluos

BDE Campaign

The Bureau des Eleves (student union) organize all the extra-curricular activities offered to the students and each year, in the spring, it is time to elect the new team! The students are invited to vote for the list which offers the best program. To convince you, challenges, theme evenings, and free crepes in the coffee breaks are on the cards.

International Association

In this section, we introduce you to the BEST ENSTA Bretagne Association which is part of the European BEST Network. Nevertheless, other associations have international connections. The Robotics Club for example, regularly takes part in European and international challenges.
ENSTA Bretagne : BEST devient baby member


The « BEST ENSTA Bretagne » student association is a local group of the « Board of European Students of Technology ». There are branches in 32 European countries. 

In France, only 6 graduate schools belong.

This network encourages meetings between European students, by organizing different, original, attractive  events which are financially accessible.

Many “courses” are organized throughout Europe for technology students. Generally taking place over a week, and at a very reasonable price, these seminars are composed of practical lessons/workshops on the scientific themes associated with a cultural program which enables the discovery of the city hosting the workshops.

Created in 2018, ENSTA Bretagne organized its first course at the end of 2019, on marine renewable energies.

As well as seminars, local events are regularly organized on campus.

Members of the association also take part in BEST life : elections for the international bureau, refinement of the texts that govern the structure, voting etc.


Student Association

Ladies basketball

The ladies basketball sports association brings beginners and experienced players together in an atmosphere of joy and good spirits. Training takes place every Wednesday evening and the matches on Thursday afternoons or the weekend.
ENSTA Bretagne : Conseils du coach pendant un match de basket féminin

#Team spirit #Good spirits #Sport

Chinese Portrait: 

If the association were…

  • A hashtag: #Teamspirit
  • A series: High School Musical
  • An animal: a giraffe
  • A famous person: Tony Parker
The association is composed of about fifteen female basketball players

Memorable moments in the year 

  • District match (FFSU)


  • 3e  au TSGED 2019 (l'événement a été annulé en 2020).


Ladies basketball
Sports association

ENSTA Bretagne Racing Team

Created during the 2018/2019 school year, the objective of the Racing Team association is to take part in the Formula Student championships. There has been good progress on the design of the car as well as part of its fabrication.

Formula Student is an international car race just for students, which is inspired by Formula 1. There are static and dynamic (race track) challenges.

When the association was created, at the beginning of the 2018 academic year, the team started with a blank canvas. Progressively, after many hours of work, the association defined and developed its vehicle concept with the help of teachers from the school.

The vehicule fabrication is currently underway. Its first competition should be in 2021.

ENSTA Bretagne : l'association Racing Team

#Competition #Automobile #Passion

Chinese Portrait: 

If the association were…

  • A hashtag: #speed
  • A moovie: Rush
  • An animal: A black horse on a yellow background
  • A famous person: Michael Schumacher
The association brings together co-operative (apprentice) and student engineers with various, complementary skills who are passionate about cars.

Memorable moments in the year:

There will be 8 Formula Student challenges in summer 2021, and the objective will be to take part in one of them. 


DEHIMI Industrie (main technical partner fabrication assistant) and Alumni ENSTA Bretagne support this ambitious project.


Racing Team ENSTA Bretagne
Student club