Ladies Rugby

ENSTA Bretagne’s ladies rugby sports association is the official school team, composed of about fifteen members who take part in the major school challenges. We train for between, 2 to 4 hours a week and try to play in a maximum number of matches with the other teams present in Brest.
ENSTA Bretagne : équipe de rugby féminine

#Team Spirit #Camaraderie #Surpass Yourself

Chinese Portrait 

If the association were…

  • A movie: Invictus 
  • An animal : a tigress 
  • A famous person : Chabal
  • A work of art : Portrait of Dora Maar, Picasso 
There are about 10 to 15 of us for each training session, with two volunteer coaches.

Memorable events in the year

  • TSGED and Ovalies


Ladies Rugby Assoc.
Sports association


This sports association enables ENSTA Bretagne students to go climbing in two gyms in Brest on Thursday afternoons, to be able to train for the three disciplines : bouldering, difficulty and speed. Events are also regularly organized: challenges between students, outings etc.
ENSTA Bretagne : compétition d'escalade

#Team Spirit #Surpass Yourself #Inclusion,  #Diversity 

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A word: biceps
  • A book: the Jungle Book 
  • An animal: the macaque 
are club members and about twenty are regulars (climbing several times a week)

Memorable events in the year

  • TSGED,
  • Inter-student challenge at The Roof Brest (boulder challenge)


  • 4th in the team challenge at the TSGED 2019 as well as two individual medalists (combined and difficulty) for Nicolas Hanachowicz (Class of 2020)


The Roof Brest

Scientific and technical associations

Design a robotic sailboat able to cross the Atlantic in total autonomy, design a vehicle that consumes the least amount of energy possible to move, invent a mini rocket able to accomplish several missions…here are some of the challenges that the students have chosen to tackle in the scientific and technical associations of the school. Quantum computing, mechanical design, embedded intelligence, hydrodynamics, motorization…: many skills are developed during these extra-curricular experiments.



Enstransat brings together students with different skills. Their objective: get a robotic sailboat to cross the Atlantic from east to west. Starting from a blank canvas in September 2019, the team drew up the plans for the sailboat in a few months, made the hull and developed the first elements of its embedded intelligence systems


Formula Student Racing Team

Created in 2018, the association aims to take part in the Formula Student Challenge. A racing vehicle is being built: 2m long, 1.5m wide, 200kg and able to go from 0 to 100km/h in 3.5 seconds.


Robotics Club

The robotics club is above all a place to meet. A lot of equipment is available enabling students to develop new robots or enhance others. Together with the school’s doctoral students and researchers, the students take part in European and international competitions.


Shell Eco-Marathon

The club runs two concurrent projects. Every year, the first group optimizes the vehicle which takes part in the “prototype” category so that it cover the longest distance with a very small quantity of energy. The second group designs an “urban concept”: a vehicle which is economical on energy but as close as possible to an urban vehicle on the market. 



The members of Spacieta have stars in their eyes. Their aim: design a mini rocket or experimental rocket which respects the specifications laid down by the CNES and Planète Sciences as part of the C’Space Challenge.

Enstaéro Bretagne

Passionate about aeronautics, the members of this club take part in different activities : the organization of visits and meetings with professionals in the sector, participation in the NAE challenge…One half ogf the club also take advantage of the partnership with Brest AéroClub to have piloting or parachuting lessons.


Cyber Club

Based on the shared knowledge principle, cybersecurity enthusiasts meet each week to develop new skills in the field. The team takes part (and wins) in challenges organized by companies in the cyber field.


"Q Club" : Informatique Quantique

The brainchild of a lecturer and a group of students who were fans of quantum computing, the QClub aims to bring together students who wish to further their knowledge in quantum computing, whatever their level, their specialization and their previous studies. Mini-lessons, projects and visits are on the agenda.




ENSTA Bot’ is the ENSTA Bretagne team which takes part in the French Robotics Cup. This event unites many teams during the yearly robotics tournament. The robots must complete different challenges to win points: put a hockey puck in a basket, push a button…To train their robots, ENSTA Bretagne have an area which is similar to that of the competition.



The association’s ambition is to build a wind turbine from scratch. This is intended to generate electricity for ENSTA Bretagne’s sailboat. Alongside this project, the team is organizing visits and conferences on the renewables theme.


ENSTA Bretagne : participation du club Spacieta à la campagne de lancement de fusées "C-Space"
ENSTA Bretagne : l'équipe du Shell Eco Marathon 2020
ENSTA Bretagne : robots terrestres et aériens utilisés lors du concours ERL Emergency 2019
ENSTA Bretagne : Club étudiant informatique quantique QClub
ENSTA Bretagne : club étudiant ENSTAéro aéronautique

ENSTAéro Bretagne

Passionate about aeronautics, the members of this club take part in different activities : the organization of visits and meetings with professionals in the sector, participation in the NAE challenge

Foy’z: the students’ common room

THE place to be for ENSTA Bretagne students, the students’ common room is nicknamed the « Foy’Z” and is managed by the students.
DAY/Billiards, table football, large sofas, the place is ideal for a break with your friends.
NIGHT/ Many theme evenings are organized attracting up to 250 people

The Foy’z is a friendly place where everyone is welcome. Respecting the building and other people is essential and all the team are there to keep an eye on things. More than just the venue for the unforgettable freshers’ evenings, it rapidly becomes the best place to share some quality time with your friends. We have fun, we chat, we take advantage of the billiards and table football, or just relax watching a good film on a Sunday evening. All that just a few meters away from your room in the hall of residence. It really is the heart of ENSTA Bretagne.

Richard, president of the Students’ Common Room 2019/2020

ENSTA Bretagne : soirée blanche
ENSTA Bretagne : soirée étudiante
ENSTA Bretagne : Soirée Jam Session avec le club musique
ENSTA Bretagne : Soirée étudiante thématique Poker au foyer des élèves
ENSTA Bretagne : Foyer des élèves
ENSTA Bretagne : soirée au Foy'z animée par les DJ de la YESS
ENSTA Bretagne : Groupe d'étudiants réunis au Foy'z
ENSTA Bretagne : soirée étudiante thématique au Foy'z autour de la Mer

The main opening times of the Foy’z

The Foy’z is open at different times of the day (between 8.00 and midnight). The times vary from day to day as the students who manage the Foy’z (the Foy’z Men /Women) have to be free and not have lessons. It is generally open at lunch break (a lot of students go there for tea or coffee after lunch) and at the end of the day, after lessons as well as on Thursday afternoons.

The Foy'z Men/Women

The Foy’z Men/Women manage the place : they ensure the opening, entertainment during the day and evenings, stock management, cleaning, security etc.

The mixed team is made up of about twenty students and co-operative (apprentice) engineers in the 2nd and 3rd years. They sign up for one or two years.

Those who sign up for the Foy’z are motivated to take an active role in students life. They have spent time at the Foy’z and have got to know the former team.
They must apply individually to show their motivation (it is not a professional style application like for an internship, they have to demonstrate creativity). Applications are usually received in March/April after the BDE (student union) elections. When the new team is formed, a training weekend is generally organized for the end of April, enabling the handover.

One evening: one theme

  • Every Tuesday and Friday, little challenges are organized. These evenings a especially popular at the beginning of the year as they enable the new students to get to know the older ones.
  • Wednesday evenings are the theme evenings: casino evening, Jam Session in partnership with the music club, blind test, billiards tournament, etc. Wednesday evening is also when the "terroir"* evenings take place.
  • Thursday evening is reserved for evenings organized by the school’s associations and clubs. For these evenings, the Foy’z is emptied of its furniture to be able to hold as many people as possible and allow everyone to dance. Each of these evenings has a particular theme and students are invited to come disguised: work site evening, sea and sealife, Wall Street, Halloween, Christmas, Chavs and tuning…

One evening can count up to 250 people (for the biggest induction evenings).

* During the « terroir » evenings (organized by the BDE head of "terroir"), they serve typical meals: hot dogs, Breton evening with crepes and galettes (Breton pancakes), Texan evening with chili con carne, regional evening where students present the typical food of their region…


The aim of the HydroChallenge Club is to design and build an autonomous 2 meter sailboat in composites, capable of crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It was founded in September 2019 after the HydroContest competition came to an end. The club is therefore taking up a new challenge, with its sights set on becoming the first student association to successfully complete this East to West crossing.
ENSTA Bretagne : Fabrication du robot voilier autonome du club HydroChallenge

#Technical challenge  #Autonomy  #Multidisciplinarity 

Chinese Portrait

If the association were…

  • A book: La longue route by Bernard Moitessier
  • An animal: the dolphin
  • A famous person: the love-child of Tabarly and Elon Musk

The sailing robot: architectural choices

After undertaking joint brainstorming and research in small groups, the team made the following choices:  

  • a very narrow stem, dubbed a “wave-piercer”. This maximizes the vessel’s ability to cut through the waves.
  • rigging: this will comprise a rigid sail, which is easy to steer thanks to a rear panel.
  • tilted keel, to stop the boat from getting stuck amidst seaweed.
Created in September 2019, the HydroChallenge Club is composed of about fifteen student engineers (students in their 1st, 2nd and 3rd years specializing in robotics or naval architecture for example).
The skills to be combined are wide-ranging and include naval architecture, automation as well as embedded intelligence.
ENSTA Bretagne : Fabrication de la coque du navire autonome du club HydroChallenge

History of the association

The HydroChallenge club follows on from the Hydros Paris-Brest club, set up to compete in the HydroContest.
The goal of this competition, which was brought to a close in September 2019, was energy-efficient vessels.

ENSTA Bretagne took part in this competition on several occasions and won an array of prizes:

  • In 2019
  • In 2016 :
    • 1st in the « Heavy Boats » category
    • 2nd in the “Light Boats” category 
  • In 2015 :
    • 3rd in the « Long Distance Race »
  • In 2014 :
    • 1st "HYDROcontest Efficiency"
    • 1st "HYDROcontest Design"
    • 1st "HYDROcontest Long-distance Race"

The association’s strengths

The association is able to work on a technical project in total autonomy whilst using ENSTA Bretagne facilities (the composites workshop,  the robotics workshop…).

Events/memorable moments in the year 2019/2020

Fabrication of a hull in partnership with IFREMER.


ENSTA Bretagne, SEGULA Technologies

Music Club

The Music Club is above all the important social hub of the campus. Situated in the Student’s Building, musicians and onlookers come to while away the evenings.
Civilian or military, foreigners or Bretons, masters or PhD students, rock or Baroque fans, there is something for everyone! There are many jam sessions and concerts organized throughout the year.

#plurality, #opportunities, #concerts

If the association were…

  • An expression…it would be #Get The Right Balance
  • A film “Joyeux Bordel” by Will Speck
  • An animal: the Black Bass
  • A famous person (real or imaginary): Marty McFly
Almost 100 masters and PhD students make up the Music Club.
ENSTA Bretagne : concert du club musique avec saxophoniste lors du gala

The Year’s Events/memorable moments 

  • Gala de Prestige
  • National Music Festival
  • Jam Sessions

Latest awards/performances

The smiles on our friends’ faces when they are having a good time!


Music Club
Student Club

ENSTAéro Bretagne

For all those of you who love flying, parachuting or even drones, if you want to have a try or go on an outing, ENSTAéro Bretagne can organize it. The club also has reduced rates if you want to learn to fly or parachute. Every year, the association also takes part in the Rallye Étudiant Aérien (student air show) and the NAE (Normandie AeroEspace) Challenge.


If the association were…

  • A film: it would be Top Gun
  • An animal: a golden eagle
  • A famous person: Amelia Earhart
  • A song: Envole-toi !
in the club’s 4 divisions : NAE Challenge, Rallye Aérien Etudiant, Pilot’s License, Visits and Conferences.
ENSTA Bretagne : Photo devant un rafale du club ENSTAéro Bretagne lors de la visite base aéronavale

The club’s strengths

  • Links with Brest Aéroclub (Flying Club)
  • Links with major groups (especially ALTEN)

Events/memorable moments of the year

  • Conferences with ALTEN
  • Numerous outings (air shows, air bases, etc…)
  • Participation in the Rallye Étudiant Aérien air show
  • Participation in the NAE Challenge

Partners (sponsors)

  • ALUMNIS ENSTA Bretagne


ENSTaéro Bretagne
Club étudiant

Pom-Pom and Pim-Pim

The aim of the « ENSTA Bretagne Pom-Pom and Pim-Pim » is to represent the school through dancing and cheerleading, during internal school events and also external events (the ball, sports events…).
ENSTA Bretagne : club Pom-Pom et Pim-Pim

#Unity, #Friendship #Dedication 

Chinese Portrait:

If the association were…

  • A film: it would be Toy Story, you only progress if you help each other !
  • An animal: it would be an ant, as ants need each other to live and join in the group effort
  • A famous person: it would be Virginie Guyot
The club consists of many (pom-pom) girls and also (pim-pim) boys.
ENSTA Bretagne : Show pom-pom Gala

Events/memorable moments in the year:

  • The school ball
  • The International Morning
  • The Open Day
  • Ovalies


During the school ball, the club put on a show for over 800 people !


Pom-pom and pim-pim
Student club

The Men’s Rugby Team : the « XV des Poètes »

The XV des Poètes is ENSTA Bretagne’s rugby team. We play union, sevens and sometimes tens, but the most important thing, as for every rugby team, is fun and team sprit!
ENSTA Bretagne : le XV des poètes, l'équipe de rugby masculin

#TeamSpirit #Contact #Effort #Serious #Fun

Chinese Portrait: 

If the association were…

  • A moovie or a book: Invictus
  • An animal: a yeti of course
  • A famous person: Camicha
  • A song: Try Try Try
To get rid of those toxins accumulated during the prep classes, there is nothing better than rugby! ENSTA Bretagne’s Rugby Association offers you team spirit, commitment and parties for those who dare to trample the school’s Millenium Stadium with their studs (aficionados will understand!)

Events/ Memorable events in the year:

  • The TSGED (Tournoi Sportif des Grandes Ecoles de la Défense or Defense Graduate Schools Sports Tournament) 
  • The Ovalies (the biggest university rugby tournament in Europe).

Last awards récompenses / performances :

2nd in the lower pool in the Ovalies 2019 (Rugby Sevens)


The Dubliners, AS de l’ENSTA Bretagne



Men's Rugby Assoc
The "XV des poètes"