The aim of IngéBlue is to forge collaborations in the field of marine engineering in order to improve the performance of French industries.
This interdisciplinary research institute aims to be a unique national and international showcase for the marine engineering expertise available in France, explains Margot Provost, Director of the IngéBlue Institute. Industrial companies and research institutes will be able to draw on the university’s expertise to develop future partnerships.
Funded by the AID
Led and hosted by ENSTA, the IngéBlue Institute, created in 2022, currently has 15 partners*: 9 engineering institutes, 4 universities and 2 expert organizations. The Institute’s first projects are being funded by the French Defense Innovation Agency (AID). Margot Provost explains:
This scheme provides funding for projects with a duration of 1 to 4 years and a low level of technological maturity. It is therefore well suited to research aimed at validating a proof of concept, as is the case for decarbonization.
The proposed research is aimed at both civil and military applications.
Two new, innovative electric propulsion systems
The scheme has enabled the development of three multi-disciplinary decarbonization projects.
In partnership with the French Naval Academy Research Institute (IRENav), mechanical engineering research teams from ENSTA (IRDL) are studying new methods for designing more efficient thrusters. The SHIVA project aims to equip ships with “all-electric” vertical axis thrusters. These thrusters will provide 360° thrust for improved maneuverability.
The RD Prop project focuses on modeling and designing rim-driven electric thrusters, a solution that is increasingly being considered for civil and military marine propulsion systems. The electric motor is integrated into a nozzle that surrounds the propeller, providing a significant improvement in thruster performance, particularly in terms of its size, stealth, power and reliability.
The return of wind-assisted propulsion
Finnaly, the SOMOS project involves teams from ENSTA (IRDL) and ENSM. This project focuses on analyzing the performance of wind-assisted propulsion systems, according to the type of vessel, the type of sail used, and the planned maritime route. These models will be used to feed a 3D simulator developed by ENSM to train future sailors, merchant navy officers and marine engineers.
* IngéBlue partners : ENSTA, ENIB, Centrale Méditerranée, ENSM, IMT Atlantique, Ecole navale, Centrale-Supélec, ESTACA, La Rochelle Université, UBS, UBO, Université de Toulon, Shom, Cerema.