ENSTA Bretagne : class of 2022 engineer
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne

Class of 2022 awards ceremony

ENSTA Bretagne
The 52nd ENSTA Bretagne graduation ceremony, for the "Henri Germain Delauze" class of 2022 award, was held on Saturday, April 15, in the Brest Arena large hall, in the company of many graduates and guests.
  • 1 p.m., the doors of the Brest Arena opened and the first graduates took their seats in the ceremony hall together with their friends and family. This hall is the temple of high-level sport in Brest and many concerts are held there all year round. This time, however, there was a very special configuration for the 700 participants. A large stage was set up onto which all the graduates of the class of 2022 who were present were called up in succession, by major group.
  • 2:30 p.m., Jeanne and Baptiste, two engineers from this 52nd class, came up on stage to present the class of 2022. For 2 hours and 45 minutes, they hosted the ceremony, sharing the stage with the general manager, Bruno Gruselle, and the course manager, Rémy Thibaud. 
ENSTA Bretagne : discours de Bruno Gruselle, Directeur général
© Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : Intervention de Guénael Guillerme, parrain de la promotion 2022 et diplômé de l'école
© Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne

•    5 p.m., the class sponsor, Guénaël Guillerme, a former student of the school and former CEO of the marine robotics company ECA, closed the ceremony by making a date with them in 37 years' time 

When one of you will be the sponsor of the class of 2060. I hope you will be proud to have contributed as an engineer and having put all your knowledge and experience to work towards the goal that comes ahead of all others: that of having contributed to limiting global warming to within the targets set for 2050 and then for the end of the century. (…) Don't rely on someone else to do it for you. Make this goal part of your daily life as an engineer. You will see, not always but quite often, that your good practices will gain ground within your team and the company, even if it can take months or even years. Be consistent and persistent.

I would like once again to congratulate the entire school's staff and governance. They have given you the tools you need to contribute effectively, each in your own way, to this challenge facing the conditions of life here on Earth. (…) I wish you all a fulfilling personal life both as a woman or a man, and as an ENSTA Bretagne engineer. 

A number of awards were presented by the school's partners during the ceremony in recognition of the academic performance and extra-curricular commitments of several graduates.

  • The student engagement award was won by the Students' Union led by Benjamin Gagnac, for their sense of community and all the initiatives taken during the pandemic to maintain ties between students. Congratulations to Valéria Vasilache, Anthony Le Bihan, Jeanne Cavoit, Lou Turban, Lou Andrès, Thomas Bellier, Hugo Sabatier, Agathe Dieulot, Julien Duchemann, Pierre Potier-Wiart, Floris Gresselin, Mattéo Mimoso, Martin Gounabou, Maxime Bouton.
  • The scientific award honored a dozen nominees and was won by Tyméa Perret, a hydrographer/oceanographer, for her end-of-study project which won the international IFHS award in Monaco in December 2022. The director of the French naval hydrographic and oceanographic service (Shom), Laurent Kerleguer, congratulated all the graduates in presenting Tyméa with her award.
  • The DGA award was won by 6 military IETA engineers (armaments studies and technology engineers). These military engineers were congratulated for the quality of their course work and their extracurricular commitment by Nicolas Drogi, the head of the naval technology division (Techniques navales) of the French defense procurement agency (DGA). Baptiste, Vadim, Benoît, Antoine, Guillaume and Sacha will be received and congratulated by the Chief Executive of the French defense procurement agency (DGA), Emmanuel Chiva.
  • The award winners of the majors in general engineering courses and engineering co-operative courses, were congratulated by their faculty staff and the school director.
  • The ATMA national award for the best naval year-end project was won by Loughlin Dudley.
  • The NDAR award was won by the 4 students who submitted the best ship design in their final year: Mathéo Sacaze, Marie Le Joncour, Loughlin Dudley and Alexis Pelegrin.
ENSTA Bretagne : class of 2022 engineer

Globally acclaimed 

by its myriad academic and corporate partners

Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : remise de diplômes à 2 ingénieurs de la promotion 2022
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : une étudiante de la promotion 2022 reçoit son diplôme
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : diplômés lors du palmarès de la promotion 2022
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : remise des diplômes promotion 2022 - remise de prix à un jeune ingénieur architecte naval
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : cérémonie de remise des diplômes promotion 2022 - Jeune ingénieur recevant son diplôme
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne :  cérémonie de remise des diplômes promotion 2022 - discours de Pierre Faucoup, Président d'ENSTA Bretagne Alumni
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : Palmarès cérémonie de remise des diplômes promotion 2022 - Diplômés dans le public
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne
ENSTA Bretagne : remise des diplômes à la promotion 2022, Tyméa reçoit le prix scientifique remis par le directeur du SHOM
Julien Ogor, Studio Lambé / ENSTA Bretagne