ENSTA Bretagne : Visite de Jean-Yves Le Drian, Ministre de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères à l'ENSTA Bretagne le 15 octobre 2021
© Kervella / ENSTA Bretagne

Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, at ENSTA Bretagne

ENSTA Bretagne
On Friday, October 15, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, came to meet ENSTA Bretagne's students and staff. For nearly an hour, he spoke to them on the subject of innovation and the new battles facing European power. International cooperation, strategic independence and sustainable development are central to the training of future engineers.
ENSTA Bretagne : Echange entre Bruno Gruselle et  Jean-Yves Le Drian, Ministre
© Kervella / ENSTA Bretagne

Jean-Yves Le Drian inaugurated the new research center in 2005.

On October 15, he spoke to future engineers as Minister for foreign policy and international relations. They should be guided by openness to the world, Europe, innovation, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

ENSTA Bretagne's international cooperation in Europe and outside Europe, in training and research, was also highlighted.