ENSTA Bretagne : film animation RESILIENCE

R E S I L I E N C E : a short film that raises questions about the use of the deep seabed

ENSTA Bretagne
For many years now, the deep seabed has been the focus of special attention, in particular as it harbors highly coveted resources. Through the short film RESILIENCE, its directors Irène Mopin, Angèle Nicolas and Noémie Barcat reflect on the impact of human activities on deep-sea fauna and flora.

This animated short film plunges us into the unique underwater world of Eor Glas Studio. The life of deep hydrothermal springs, oases in the desert-like abyssal depths, is animated by Manuel Creignou. A hushed environment and a calm, soothing underwater world, until the arrival of a huge, noisy mining machine that gradually invades the visual and aural space…

Produced by ENSTA Bretagne and ISblue, the animated film explores the resilience of deep-sea ecosystems. It has been selected and screened at a number of international festivals and has received several awards:

  • "Merit Award Winner" at the Nature Without Borders International Film Festival (USA, June 2024)
  • "Best Animated Short Award" at the Endless Summer & Dana Point Film Festival 2024 (USA, May 2024)
  • "Ormeau de Bronze" ("Bronze Abalone") Award in the Underwater Landscape Category at the International Film and Image Festival of the (Under) Marine Worlds (Festival International du Film et de l’Image des Mondes [Sous] Marins) (France, October 2023)

All the soundtrack's material comes from aerial and underwater recordings made on the island of Ouessant during an onboard art and science workshop ("Atelier Embarqué Art et Science") offered by the interdisciplinary ISblue school to students from partner schools (including ENSTA Bretagne), in partnership with Ifremer and the Teatr Piba company.

A PhD student when the film was made, Irène Mopin is now a professor in underwater acoustics at ENSTA Bretagne / Lab-STICC. She regularly combines art and science in her teaching, resulting in creations such as Hydrofaunie, created with hydrographic engineering students from ENSTA Bretagne.

RESILIENCE short film